Republican Candidates getting shade from Faux News is like klansmen finding out they weren’t invited to The Racist Ice Cream Social after they purchased a truckload of Vanilla Superiority
Republican Candidates getting shade from Faux News is like klansmen finding out they weren’t invited to The Racist Ice Cream Social after they purchased a truckload of Vanilla Superiority
...& some men use women as stress balls
so super adventure club does exist..
Other acceptable lines:
BONUS: Would you diddle Russ Hanneman’s skittle if he were real?
Only if Trump wins.
Somebody should ask him if he thinks Order 66 benefited the galaxy since it created a ton of jobs
“Hey Trump! Make like a tree and lose the election!"
What are the odds on Tronald Dump putting on a safari outfit and taking pictures posing with a rifle at the border... panicking and shooting an armadillo because he thinks it’s a “sneaky mexican"?
Another Rubio Weakness: Experiences a strange case of Muppet-like vocal fry if he isn’t constantly sipping the bottled tears of poor immigrants.
Lump stripped alone in a smoky club...
He didn’t shave it. It wandered away since it’s an alcoholic and he quit the drink. It’s currently crawling up Taylor Kitsch’s leg.
Next up: Ritz Caucasians
He’ll shack up with Amanda Seyfried and the press will go full on diabetic
on Blake Lively it would look like Big Bird vomiting up a Barbie Doll
peens shall not touch tips upon The Sept Of Baylor.
Sasha “Almond” Bark & Rumer Carcinoma: Evasive City PD
His head looks like a balloon
Riding a rollercoaster with Marky Mark... uhg
Gosh darnit. I am.