Deep Time

“If we are talking about resignation and resignation over allegations, then half the people in the House, half the people in the Senate, including the president of the United States of America, would have to step aside, step down and or resign,” he said.

3/4 of a Floyd album.

3/4 of a Floyd album.

Waters was an original member, like Barrett. Syd only lasted their first album, and then they brought Gilmour in. Waters was on every album save the last three, A Momentary Lapse of Reason, The Division Bell, and The Endless River. And really the last album was just Gilmour and Mason with the passing of Wright.

Waters was an original member, like Barrett. Syd only lasted their first album, and then they brought Gilmour in.

Conservatives have zero room to bitch after the abuse they heaped on Obama. Fuck all of them.

Such fucking ASSHOLES. Grand Staircase-Escalante has been a monument since 1996. How can the president reduce the size since it was established by Clinton via the Antiquities Act and wasn’t done in the last 6 months of the Obama administration? Looks like the orange shitgibbon has gone beyond just undoing what Obama

Meh. I’ve been getting them for my son from the local Polish deli for years now.

I know it’s coming, but probably against Minnesota who we’ve fucking OWNED for a long time.

Still searching for the Faroe Islands whirlwind.

My theory: If Rodgers were healthy and playing he would have sucked it up with the Pack in the hopes of getting to the Super Bowl. Rodgers goes out, so he figures why play out the season with a bum shoulder with a suddenly Browns-esqe team?

I’m on the flip side of this. My sister kept going to my father, telling her about my anti-Trump statements and article postings. He confronted me one night, shouting at me on the phone, and even called me an asshole. I decided being on Facebook wasn’t worth the family drama it was creating.

You’re being nitpicky. Or knit picky.

Do you have kids? There could be a tank battle in my yard and my son would sleep through it.

Every season we see more guns and more bullets being fired, when we should be seeing the complete opposite. They should be fighting with swords and maces by now. This irks me.

Constitution, Article I, Section 8, #11:

Thank god. Now I won’t have to deal with my soccer friends orgasming over the world cup next year.

“...should stand at attention...”, “...should line themselves up...”

Pence makes “potatoe” aficionado Dan Quayle look like Abraham Lincoln.

Given that Mason Crosby, one of the best kickers in the league, missed two extra points it makes tons of sense to go for 2 and make it a 6 point lead. Extra points aren’t gimmes any more.

“No harm, no foul. Not worth any fuss. I’m a Kelly fan.”

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