Deep Time

It is CBS, true. And I’m 48 so within the under 70 demographic.

I remember that line. I actually find cargo shorts very handy (ha), as I have a 6 year old and I am constantly using the cargo pockets for food, beverages, and whatever random stuff my son picks up.

No wonder they got kicked out. They’re doing it wrong. Forty-five Magnums is one too many.

I raise my Old Dusseldorf to you.

I regularly wear cargo shorts, but I’m married, so I’m already in the not-getting-laid territory.

Thank god Chris Riccobono has found a solution to the vexing problem of long shirt tails. 

Damn, I knew someone would beat me to this.

Well, he is currently on CBS starring on the show Blue Bloods. Which is in its 8th season.

And Miami.

Now playing

I would have thought this was the weirdest role he played.

Too bad the shooter hadn’t waited until Congress passed the NRA sponsored Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act. Then he could have easily attached a silencer to his weapon and wouldn’t have alerted anyone with the noise of gunshots.

Not Manssierre...Bro!

Nice credit score you got there. Be a shame if something happened to it.

But her emails...

I sprung for the 1,969 piece Saturn V rocket and that is more than good enough for me. That thing is fucking awesome.

As a 14 year old TDA scared the living fuck out of me. Special effects had nothing to do with it. The grim reality of the aftermath, depictions of how you would die from radiation, and the thought of NOTHING ever being the same is what did it to me.

The heavenly aroma still hung in the house. But it was gone, all gone! No turkey! No turkey sandwiches! No turkey salad! No turkey gravy! Turkey Hash! Turkey a la King! Or gallons of turkey soup! Gone, ALL GONE!

“The bit where the lead is washing her young boy who can’t look after himself anymore in the sink and you can see the water is bloody (I think) when she takes him out hurts.”

I was 14 when The Day After aired. I have not watched it since, nor will I watch it again in the future.

For me it’s revisiting my childhood. And I don’t feel all that great about it.