Deep Time

Previous Supreme Courts typically don’t like to rehear cases. Remember, IOKIYAR.

Please, don’t start bringing facts into this discussion :)

All these years playing Fallout...and never thought it could actually be a documentary.

Classic Wayne Fontes job save.

Fuck Newt. His Contract On America and penchant for obstruction is directly responsible for today’s Republican party. One could reasonably argue he is indirectly responsible for delivering us President Cheeto.

+1 Recursion

+1 Future Tea Partier

The Venn Diagram of “Adult” and “Shithead” has considerable overlap.

+1 Age of Majority

And, at this time of year, snowballs to throw at Santa.

You win the Internet today. All the stars.

“If the Navy decides to go with the Excalibur, it will need to re-tool and re-engineer the AGS on the three battleships so that they can accommodate the new round, an endeavor that could cost $250 million alone.”

Spanos is too cheap to spring for a sex boat.

My first thought.

Submitted for your approval: Wisconsin vs. Duke, 2015 National Championship, last 10 minutes of the second half.

Now playing

Democrats need to heed the advice of Jim Malone.

I’m glad I live in a more enlightened place and not in that shitty state.

I love how you seem to think ‘school’ is an amorphous collective of individuals, bereft of leaders who are responsible for setting norms of acceptable behavior and moral conduct. Must be nice to live in such a fantasy world. Do elves exist ‘their’ too?

“Also, that cake pan is clearly in the shape of a sheriff’s badge. Clear as day, folks.”

Easy solution: Don’t apply to a school that enables and covers up child molesters. There are plenty of fine schools in this country that have integrity and moral values have integrity.