Deep Time

“Russia is a shell of its former self, and is no longer a threat to Western Europe that justifies NATO in the first place.”

“I honestly think at this point there isn’t anything short of *maybe* video of him openly mocking heartland voters in private that will cause them to re-assess him.”

See: Clinton, William.

Even odds he resigns in the first year for “health reasons”.

My family is getting our passports renewed and preparing bug-out bags we can throw in the car with 5 minutes’ notice. We’re in Connecticut so we can be at the Canadian border in 4 hours.

No, we ALL have to lie in it. Thank you to, in no particular order: Jill Stein, Richard Comey, Low Information Voters, feckless media, protest voters, missing voters, and the Founding Fathers for the fuck-up that is the Electoral College.

I hope that Bush holdovers come in. The alternative is not comforting...

The happiest man in the world.

Top. Men.

Not possible. The Capitol building is equipped with automatic sprinklers.

Really, the swamp will be topped off and will likely spill over.

I will give you that.

He’s pretty out there on fiscal policy. His wet dream is to dismantle the social safety net. Medicare and Social Security would not be safe (and may not be safe depending on how Trump behaves).

Too much government, but apparently not enough because it hasn’t done enough to get them jobs in this changing economy. For all this talk about self-reliance an awful lot of conservatives expect to be handed a job, even if their industry has collapsed and the jobs are gone.

I had a FB friend who would deluge my timeline with all sorts of Trump nonsense - a dozen articles or more. He would needle me too about being a Hillary supporter. I thought many times of defriending him but I realize that only makes the problem worse.

Obama needs to be the new leader of the party. Honestly I think he is the only one that has the chops to get them back on track.

Spot on. Democrats never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

Exactly. And how many Dem/left-leaning supporter in WI/MI/PA/FL felt it was “safe” to make a protest vote for Stein or Johnson because they were confident in news and polls stating Clinton would win in a cakewalk?

Or President Ryan.

Be sure you add the annual PPM number for Carbon Dioxide. Because if that isn’t addressed, and very quickly, in a couple hundred years no one (of those remaining) will care about this election other than it was the death knell for modern civilization and life on earth as we know it.