Deep Time

No, they wouldn’t. They respect the process and they generally put country ahead of party. The only thing Republicans seem to care about is maintaining and growing their power, country be damned.

So if he and a compliant Congress starts gutting environmental protections, pulls out of the climate change agreement, pushes fossil fuel usage and penalizes clean energy, and we hit the point of no return on runaway warming...

“...all very welcome after the sixth season put on the narrative breaks...”

At least East Coast Idiots possess some level of intelligence and don’t consider sedition a viable alternative.

On the plus side, if this sulfur gets into the upper atmosphere it may slow down global warming a bit.

A nuclear war would incinerate or kill those military overlords you purport to imply.

I know this is a football post, but...

We need an international standard that any web-connected device be required to set a password before allowing access to the Internet. Further, they should require complex passwords to restrict users from selecting dumb passwords like “password”, “123456" or...“guest”.

Sounds like a Trump rally.

+1 B1G

I think it would be far more interesting if the losing coach had to go on a diet. Bielema would be the most motivated coach ever.

+1 Short bus

Cut him some slack, he went to UConn.

Nothing warms my heart more than seeing the ‘Niners fail.

+1 White Russian.

I love watching The Amazing Race where EVERY SEASON there is a team that doesn’t know how to drive stick. Seriously folks, the show has been on for, what, 15 years?

He’s been working up to it. The Tarantula Wasp was #2 on his list. Bullet ant is next.

Nasty, nasty creatures. Not fun chancing upon their hidden football-sized nest.

How do I know you didn’t cherry-pick Niche as a source? I literally took the first site on the Google search. A cursory search of other rankings seems to prove Niche is an outlier.