
Every choice is a valid choice. Being a sexworker, a panhandler, a sideshow geek, a con artist, an investment banker, ANYthing can be valid if a person chooses it. Doesn’t have to be respected by everyone. The right to choose, yes. The actual choice, no.

Is your husband a millionaire?

I know she’s going to get reamed as problematic, but what I’ve discovered is anything you claim that you are and are proud of, you’re will seem to be tacitly or explicitly denouncing other things.

Funny how that works.

That headline doe!

Regardless...Here’s something: when I was growing up, suicide was “for white folks”. We’d sit and marvel about how people with “so much going for them” would end their lives in such a manner. When we started moving on up, we started seeing (or at least, acknowledging) suicides among middle-class black folks. Even

Exactly. It just seems we are supposed to CARE more about the ones who “had so much going for them.”

I refuse to read this post because COOOMMMMEEE OOONN!

It truly isn’t any of our business. The parallels with my own life, the contemplation of “if this had happened” in my household is what makes me feel so icky about it still. Plus, there’s the notion of Soon-Yi being “happy” with him being the excuse for him creeping on her since who knows when. Mary Kay LeTourneau

I think I love you, randilyn with a y.

Was it him?

Someone, somewhere has convinced themselves that Greta is charming. A character like hers in Mistress America would only work if there was some ineffable charm about her and I feel like Tom Hanks in that conference room in Big, “Um...I don’t get it.”

She lived with Andre Previn at the time of their romance, not during her childhood. Although Farrow and Allen shared “separate homes”, it was just two Manhattan apartments that neither gave up. He was with them all the time. Think: huge house with a looonnnng hallway.

No amount of years of married bliss will erase the reprehensible way this started.

Yeah. It’s been turned to a “meet cute” story now, but I remember it in real time when it was “Reeve and the nanny”. I had the biggest crush on him and was as disappointed as a middle schooler could be.

And that deference had NO connection to that fact that you were her mother’s man and the father of her siblings for 10 years prior, right?

I met my husband when both of our daughters were nine years old. We dated for several years before we got married. If he had started sleeping with my daughter 10 years later after me giving birth to his child....y’all....Y’ALL....just put some money on my books at the commissary. I’d have been in jail.

She NEVER not sounds as if she’s from Houston. Ever.

I’m so sorry that happened to you.

You seem to be feeling your feelings and I’m going to let you do that, okay....