
I’m fine with the precedent that if they commit crimes against the American people, or straight up warcrimes, then they should go to jail. The law should apply all the way to the top as well as all the way to the bottom. The courts are supposed to show neither fear nor favor, and historically they’ve always failed at

You pretty clearly don’t understand what “Country Music” was, conflating what Country Music is today with where it was back in the day. Country Music of the 50's, 60's, and 70's was a more commercial outgrowth of the “Folk Music” that was popular in the early 20th Century. North American Folk music was basically an

Damn. He should have performed at home. I am willing to bet he contracted Covid at that damn event full of folks who think wearing a mask infringes on their rights.

The real dangerr is not Trump’s incompetent version of an attempted coup, it is when the competent fascist inevitably follows in his footsteps. If you crush the incompetent fascists quickly, the competent ones always scuttle out of the darkness and learn from the mistakes made. That is the danger, and it is one not

This bitch damn well knew these kids. She was just sick and tired of seeing ‘other’ folk enjoying their lives while hers was sucking due to her own damn fault. She decided to go instigate some trouble by threatening children with a deadly weapon so everyone around would have to respect her. Then she could feel good

Former journalist here:

just use the racist words you actually want to use or calm down.

Both of whom attacked him first

In 1877, a Democrat (Samuel Tilden) won the popular vote for President, but four states refused to certify the results. Without enough votes to pass the threshold, the country was at a constitutional crisis, as the governors and the legislatures wanted to send different electors, as between the four, they had enough

Fuck, son. Gen X too. Saving is something only Boomers got to do.

Steamed fraud?

Republicans have zero interest in compromise, they want minority rule with them as the rulers. They obstructed and flat out refused to do their goddamn jobs and Democrats refuse to go around them. This is goddamn ridiculous! Republicans lose and their agenda gets pushed, they win and their agenda gets pushed while

Actually more white women voted for Trump in 2020 (55%) than voted for Trump in 2016 (53%).  Before you break your arm patting yourself on the back you may want to have a conversation with a few of your girls.  

Don’t forget about the forgotten minority. Natives still vote overwhelming Democrat. Tired of being a forgotten minority even to our allies.

Fuck him.  

While we are thanking Black people and especially Black women, we need to thank some other women of color - and they are not “Latinx”, they are Mexican-American Chicanas..

In 1989, my mother and my 3 year-old-self were caught crossing the border near Tijuana. We were leaving El Salvador where the American caused Civil War convinced my mom to finally leave. My mom and I were put in a detention center, TOGETHER, for 2 days. We applied for asylum as refugees of war and were permitted to

‘Medicare for all’ isn’t socialist; publically funded healthcare is a basic part of most other first world democracies that are all capitalist. Only in the US does that seem progressive, when the rest of us are wondering what the hell is wrong with the richest country in the world letting their citizens die of