
Black Republicans socializing with Ted Fucking Nugent probably should be arrested just on principle.

This. I’ve walked off many jobs where they were trying to harm me in many different ways. Much to the consternation of EX-friends and EX-relatives who thought I should keep my shitty, low paying job because I was poor.

I think the point was that one person accepted fault for their actions and politely stepped aside, whereas the other person is forcing their way back on a team that doesn’t even want him there. Oh, and the zero tolerance was against a woman of color while the slap on the wrist was against a white man.

Because people who bump or nudge someone in public, where there is obviously a lot of room, are already selfish, asshole narcissists.

The L.A. Times piece is essentially a list of stories about how women were disappointed that they were asked to do nude scenes, Franco was annoyed, rinse and repeat.

The fact that donors have such a big say perfectly exemplifies the issue with this education system. You pay taxes, you get health care and you and your kids get access to education, as state universities receive money from, you know... the state (Actual funding, not just subsidies) and fuck donors and their having

What a stupid fucking statement. Like we need to spend time PREVENTING the educational system from pointing this out? Let’s just sweep it under the carpet, shall we?

“Leave it to the parents to hammer it into their children’s heads that America has a racist past”

That’s exactly how racism is perpetuated. Also, c.f., sexu

How do you de-escalate when someone have a gun?”

I’m sad about this young girl losing her life. As a former foster mother, I can imagine her life wasn’t the easiest up to this point. As someone who has always had people want to be fast friends and those who decided to be my enemy at first sight. So, I’ve had more than my share of fights. I’ve had gangs of girls

If the cop’d drawn their baton rather than their gun, they could have brought it down on the back of her hand, forcing her to drop the knife, then taken her peacefully into custody for assessment. But this is America. So now we have a dead kid. ACAB

There were a lot of good options.

Nobody is commenting on a couple of things: 1) the wife yelling out that he attacked some random girl in the neighborhood is some clarion call for whites to grab their nooses cuz ‘a Black Barbarian is coming for the white women’ bullshit. Little Musclehead just took up that challenge which Bill&MargeAmerica are always

Yeah, just watch the IG videos. So, so sad for those kids. They really shouldn’t be with her.

Of course she claims that she’s black. SMH.

Notice how as soon as criticism of racism popped up, she immediately went to claiming her life was literally in danger?

Look, people are allowed to fuck up. That was a huge fuck up. It’a what you do after the fuck up that matters. A lot of us have said or done really shitty things out of a place of ignorance, hate, misinformation, how we were raised, etc. and then learned and corrected the behaviour. He’s clearly done a lot of work,

Listen, looks are a subjective thing, and even then attraction can be based on a number of things beyond mere physical appearance.

Now, imagine having his personality and thinking you’d have a shot with Meghan Markle, regardless of whether or not she’d also met a handsome duke.

I despise Piers Morgan an enormous amount, having had to live through his years as a tabloid editor and his career as a tv presenter, and witness the misery he’s caused, his hypocrisy and the horrendous opinions he holds, but I can’t help but wonder if there was a producer telling him in his ear to storm off in a huff

Re: “You’ve never walked in a white person’s shoes.” Well, actually, the way white supremacy works is that everyone had to be acutely aware of what the world is like for white people. A Black teenager is trained to treat a white police officer as the most delicate flower who musn’t feel threatened or disrespected in