
I think you need to see Go West’s first video from 1985. Their label didn’t care that much about them either, but as you know, Peter Cox (yes, that’s his real name) was a hell of a singer and still is. If this pandemic ever ends (and Daryl can stave off the Reaper), I’d love to see Peter at Daryl’s House.

It’d be one thing if this woman was actively hallucinating and that spurred her behavior. I’ve seen people in that state and it’s terrifying. They actually believe and react to things that they’re seeing and hearing that aren’t there. But that’s not what happened here. This was just a racist cunt who knew she

This is a photo of what’s called in the UK a “99", a soft serve cone with a chocolate Flake Bar in it, and are called that because they cost 99 pence. That’s how much they were the first time I visited London in 2001, but they might be more now.

Let’s not forget the US Chamber of Commerce’s Powell Memo in 1971. That was the kickstarter to a lot of ultra right-wing fuckery in this country. The smarter elements among them were already strategizing to play the long game (they’d been building Reagan up for a good 15 years by 1970) and start at the base; school

I’m GenX, and I definitely remember their whole “They’re a bunch of damned slackers because they’re not trying to be yuppies! What’s wrong with them?!?” stuff they started in the media right when a lot of us were graduating high school and college in the late 80s-early 90s. That it worked again for Millennials is a

“Leave the rest to me.” What a joke. It amuses me how much this dumbass sociopath thinks he’s some sort of Blofeld. He’s not smart. He’s not even ferally clever, as some people believe. The only reason he’s gotten away with anything he has since 1967 is that more powerful men have thus far allowed it, starting with

Yes, saying he was hacked was part of the “joke”. He’s always been a pick-me smeghead, though, so none of this is surprising.

“...they found swastikas drawn by Allen and statements about how white people are ‘apex predators.’”

So when and if you think anyone is using the legitimate grievances of black and other POC regarding harms done to them by white women to be misogynists, then you call it out, just like anything else. The white woman in this article isn’t that one, though. That said, there’s way too many white women in this world who

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It’s too bad the TikToker girl famous for “I said do you want to fight meeee? Do you want to catch these hands?” can’t be AOC’s anger translator, like Obama had with Keegan- Michael Key. She looks like she could take care of business and wouldn’t give a solitary fuck about anyone from Fox or NewsQuacks.

Don’t mention that indigenous peoples worldwide were minding their own business from the 14th-21st centuries, and were never interested enough in Europeans and their “civilization” to seek them out when Euros decided they wanted steal bodies, labor, and all the resources of the world for themselves.

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“Hail to thee, our Alma Mama! Roosevelt Franklin (baaah!) Elementary School!”

A person who went to HS with her on LI created a reddit thread and said that she’s basically mentally ill and has been since then.Doesn’t excuse her racism towards her own kids or anyone else in the least, but this kind of attention-seeking behavior isn’t new, and is part of a larger set of problems she’s got.

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His whole image is based on him being an ultra-butch bad-ass spy and savvy manipulator who won’t hesitate to have his goons find his critics and spike their tea/rub their doorknob with polonium wherever in the world that enemy is, so you need to be scared of him, but he’s supposedly upset because Biden called him a

Isn’t he (::shudders::) married? And I thought the thing wasn’t exactly a date as it was just plain old starfucking, because that’s what he is, a starfucker. I’m sure he’ll be on the new Fox channel that ol’ Rupe is setting up over there, so he’ll be on screens again soon enough, unfortunately.

Of course Eberhart felt OK attacking a black woman. White dudes like him believe that black women aren’t “soft and feminine, like the kind he faps to on YouPorn, so they’re fair game to attack as if he’s having a bar fight.

The irony being that her own white ancestors who came to this stolen land (that actually belongs to the “Hispanics” she hates) were most likely considered lowborn peasant trash in their native countries. This just shows me how eager people are to lord it over others.

I’d never heard of Newport, Arkansas before I got my DNA test on Ancestry. When I got the results back in 2018, I didn’t look at anything except the ethnicities, and there were plenty to look at. Then one day last year, I decided to see my DNA matches. One 1st cousin is there, but I know him. There are no other

I lost my job last March. I’m still unemployed, and I’m 51 years old. It’s been rough going looking for work, especially in NYC. I’m terrified, because UI in NY State runs out at the end of May.

But then how can they show the world that they’re superior to someone else if they’re all the same people? Wait, never mind. They’d just pull the old brown eye/blue eye mess on each other, wouldn’t they?