
He didn’t write it, but it’s how he thinks. To people like Trump, might makes right, so anything Columbus did and however he did it is to be celebrated because he “won”. It was a dick-measuring contest between European powers then that destroyed millions of lives, and it’s a dick-measuring contest now destroying

30 years ago I would’ve said “ramped-up imperialism in the the Caribbean and Central and South America, but as climate change is making those areas less likely prospects for exploitation, they’d probably try to take over Canada. What’s not to desire? Diamonds, natural gas and oil, fresh water and soon to be arable

No, no they didn’t. I laughed at them then, and I was 13. Those were some seriously sub-Ray Harryhausen effects!

This might be too far back of a pop culture reference, but I’ve always thought of Pence as akin to the Visitors from the 80s NBC sci-fi miniseries V. It was only two episodes. I wish someone would re-run this! I’ve been half-waiting for him to be caught on camera unhinging his jaw and gulping down a live rat.

♬♪♫“I beg your pardon... I gave you COVID in the Rose Garden...”♪

Now playing

As soon as I saw the news, I thought of this song, ‘cause ‘Rona sure did.

Is it me, or is Al looking more Italian as he gets older? I know he’s half, it’s just that I never really saw it before now, even with the curly hair.

If you can’t get caprese right, then the hell with you, new Italian restaurant!

Trump was using Parscale’s companies to launder money meant to be paid out to others. This dude’s so deep in it, there’s a few hundred meters of grade Z Trump fertilizer covering him.

Yep. I went through the same things in the 80s with certain black students, both at a rich suburban public high school and at a public, state-run university. To be given the cut direct like that the first time shocked me, because I was 14. When it happened at uni, I just shook my head.

Watch, it’s also a set-up for when Barr sends his thugs into these cities. They can justify more violence committed against citizens based on this “declaration”. Maybe Trump can’t see 2 inches in front of him, but Barr can. He showed his “Chekov’s thugs” gambit in Portland. That was Act One. I’m sure he’s planning to

I saw the picture of their mother in the article, and I’ve got to say, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if someone in their mother’s family passed 80-100 years ago. This cheat could have a pair of black (great-)great-grandparents.

Now playing

Poor Ralph Bellamy. And he was so good as schmucky newspaper reporter-turned-editor Al Holland with Barbara Stanwyck in the pre-code Forbidden (1932). I’d known him from His Girl Friday first, seeing it on TV repeatedly as a kid, then in Trading Places when I was a teenager. I didn’t see this picture until I was in my

I was a little girl in the 70s, which makes me auntie-aged now, I suppose. Many of the above songs are on my list, but also:

A leech feeds from a living body. A vulture feeds from dead bodies. So there’s that, I guess.

In the mid-80s, I went to high school in a rich suburb of a northern Midwestern city. There were few black kids in the school (and those others were well-off), but I was admitted because I had the grades, if not the zip code. My presence enabled them to look good to the Feds. Yes, the other kids made fun of my K-Mart

Yep. He said one of the quiet parts out loud, didn’t he?

Angry because their indoctrination didn’t stick, eh?

Manhattan in quotes?

Depends on what ice cream company it is where you live. Where I am now, it’s Mr. Softee, and they have a bespoke tune that’s been around since 1961. Where I grew up in the Midwest back in the 70s/80s, it was the Good Humor truck andTurkey In The Straw”.