
I think these men like Trump for the same reason a lot of white men like him. He’s vulgar. That’s it in a nutshell. And if you call women bitches and hos, and you think it’s cool to beat up on women or grab them by the pussy, or you see no need to spend your rap money on your children, then you will be drawn to

I think the issue is the tendency to only call out these things when they’re associated with white women and not the overall issue, which is Americans’ love for self-mythologising propaganda, and the fact that that American propaganda always features white people.

The entire philosophy predicates itself on clutching to the goddamned past.

Whiteness is a hell of a drug

ROFL Whose cities, now? Way to out yourself as some sisterfucking redneck. Psst... Lots of people (people like me, even!) live in cities among “THOSE people” and would hardly describe the atmosphere as chaotic. Try not to just vomit MyPillow-clutching Faux News bullshit when you’re trolling, it’s too stupid!

That’s an opinion piece that contradicts itself INSIDE the piece, and if it were true, why didn’t they frisk me?

Cliff’s Notes:  Undersexed old white dude got a boner by looking at underage black girl, and SOMEONE HAS TO PAY

The focus on getting Trump out and making it all about him personally has led to the neglect of the dangers of Pence.

Alternate headline: Loser finds he’s getting attention again, decides to run with it. 

This ain’t the Fox News comment section.

When I say “we” I mean EVERYONE.

You’re talking about the difference between a dog whistle and a bullhorn. Either way he ran on racism. That’s nothing new in US politics. The Republican party has been using racism for decades, ie: The Southern Strategy.

Gods help us - have Jedward started franchising themselves?

The hero worship of slaving traitors is disgusting and it stunts us as a nation. If we can not restart The Reconstruction and destroy treasonous confederate institutions, we will fail as a nation. I recommend making the glorification of confederate symbols as illegal here as Nazi imagery is in Germany and a small

Zimmermann actually was stalking Martin. Yes, I think Martin should have had the right to defend himself from some psycho who initiated a confrontation with him by stalking him for absolutely no good reason. I think if Zimmermann wants to avoid getting his ass kicked, the way to do that is not to go around stalking

I mean the comments under here are downright laughable. Anyone blaming the “dems” and “Chuck And Nancy” are clueless. Maybe if you so called “woke” and “Progressive” folks had voted in 2010 & 2014 we wouldn’t be here. Maybe if you “burn it to the ground” folks hadn’t pissed away your vote in 2016 by going third party

One of the things that’s extra tragic is that RBG never got the peace she deserved. She never got to rest. Neither did John Lewis and Elijah Cummings. These people spent their final days in pain and suffering but were forced to carry our democracy on their backs. (Cummings last official act as a House rep was signing

Obama had spent seven half years fighting a Senate who successfully blocked EVERY single piece of legislation he publicly backed, solely out of spite. They swore they would do that the week he took office, and they never broke ranks. There was no way in hell they would have approved any Justice who wasn’t a

Now playing

Poor Ralph Bellamy. And he was so good as schmucky newspaper reporter-turned-editor Al Holland with Barbara Stanwyck in the pre-code Forbidden (1932). I’d known him from His Girl Friday first, seeing it on TV repeatedly as a kid, then in Trading Places when I was a teenager. I didn’t see this picture until I was in my

Life’s a piece of shit,
When you act a tit.
Life’s a laugh and you’re a joke, it’s true,
When you don’t change your flow,
And we don’t miss you when you go.
Blame it on the SJWs!