

goddammit I remember when the only Palin we cared about was Michael, who is a delightful person and not a colossal jackass AT ALL

And the worst of the worst of it? I’d bet dollars to doughnuts that most of those funny, brilliant, attractive women DID give them boners. But because of the toxic kingdoms these guys create, where they rule from a throne of humiliation and fear nothing but the laughter of their ghoulish peers, they are TERRIFIED of

Literally all they had to do is not talk to the press and it seems to be the one thing they cannot do.

When he said, “But as proud, beautiful and fine as our black women are, one thing a black woman cannot do... A black woman cannot raise a black boy to be a man,” I noped the fuck right out and put Aretha’s Greatest Hits Live. I do not have time to listen to that mess.

As an American, I have one tenet: to respect every citizen of the world and actively engage in the ongoing pursuit to form a more perfect union.

I put Jasper’s crap on mute with the quickness and listened to Aretha’s Greatest Hits Live instead.

To expound on points 5, 8 and 9 (optics of black church strong on lecherous, decrepit male leadership and short on male soldiers in the Lord’s army in the pews; professionalism and punctiliousness of gospel artist performers; Chernobyl toxic eulogy by Rev. Jasper Williams)....

What bothers me most about what you say - which is, of course, correct - is that with all the scandals coming out of the Catholic church, the majority white population is already having that conversation (finally; it certainly took them long enough). POC are hemming and hawing and looking the other way and trying to

Thank you so much! I’ll miss y’all!

Make a few pans of mac & cheese, throw on some collards, fry up some chicken, and turn your crib into a “Repast” pop-up.

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LOVE Toni and Davy Jones dancing to “Daddy’s Song” in the Monkees movie Head, which Toni choreographed. ps - if flashing images give you problems, AVOID THIS VIDEO.

He was diagnosed with a 0% chance of surviving his brain cancer, and he didn’t resign because he knew he might linger long enough that he’d be replaced by an appointed Senator rather than an elected one.  If he’d resigned a few months ago, Arizona would be holding an election to fill his seat.  John McCain decided

He was a terrible soldier, who was incredibly brave.

That moment is going to get blasted around a lot today. But here is the thing to remember. Trump shit all over him for being a POW, then McCain voted in line with what Trump wanted 80% of the time. I get the idea that 80% is better than 100% but it’s still shitty and spineless.

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Did you peep the “what a load of bullshit” look during the zoom in/close-up at the 4:10 mark?

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David Bowie called out MTV 35 years ago, hardly a damn thing has changed.

By your logic we shouldnt trust this Jimmy Bennett as anything more than extortion right? Except in both cases the claims were heavily vetted by the media you disparage and Weinstein is actually facing criminal charges because she wasnt the only one to speak up.

She’s pretty dark-skinned for this nonsense too. I’m sure that’s a very tanned woman of Italian descent, and I’m sure like a generation ago it would have been her being asked to leave a store.