
“She worked for me on numerous occasions.”

It’s the oldest white insecurity.

Particularly clueless and racist white people will often react instinctively defensive when their own discriminatory behavior is pointed out to them. Conflating any rebuke into a personal attack is an emotional defense mechanism they employ to prevent them from having to face their own hypocrisy.

Mr Groening, and others of your ilk, I’d like to tell you a story.

At least he got to use his Freddy Mercury prosthetics.

As someone whose ancestors walked to this continent, can all the white people kindly fuck off back to Europe? Please?

I said this elsewhere, and I’ll say it here.

The Root did it! #Trending

Yes they are cowards. As black women stood up and tried to save this country, 53% of white women turned their backs on one of their own. Why? At the end of the day their flat, yoga pant wearing, pumpkin spice latte drinking, This Is Us binge watching, Taylor Swift version of September listening asses will always be

Baby steps. That’s how the fascists do it; chipping away at us one piece at a time. First it’s MS-13, then it’s just ‘illegals’, then it’s ‘hispanics’ and pretty soon it’s ‘non-whites’.

Yeah. It’s pandering... To whitey.

The issue at hand is that people have been advocating for Alice Marie Johnson long before Kim K. even knew her name, and it was only through her white privilege that she was able to get an audience with the President. That she did a good thing is commendable, but that she will get outsized credit for doing so is part

I am having an even bigger problem with people trying to equate the drivel that was Roseanne with All in the Family.

All Roseanne did is the basic “comedienne goes big” deal where they turn your stand up set into a show. See Tim Allen, Seinfeld, etc.

Slough is so bad it wishes a nuclear war would happen just to liven up the place.

Okay, see, what we’re not gonna do is treat Meghan Markle —a black woman who has some complicated thoughts about her being biracial—like Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who has appropriated black cultural stereotypes and lied to people for years about her actual heritage. Rachel Dolezal has two white as hell parents and

It does not kill any advancement in sexual assault.

Yup. This is America. Ignorant, self-involved, and oblivious.

Every time wypipo call the cops on us for stuff that they’re making up, it’s an implicit threat to murder us.

You wrote a lot of fancy words to say “stop talking shit about Trump if you want to keep your jobs”.

Ruggiero. Cause somehow the descendants of Italians have forgotten that as recently as 100 years ago they were considered sub-human especially if they were from southern Italy or Sicily. Maybe should try and remember that before aligning with or taking on the attitude of people that would return you to the ethnic