
Infested, huh?

We’re at 6-7 on the 10 point genocide scale. Time to start impeaching, I say. And he has some grimy-ass nerve calling people “disgusting”.

Is this the woman whom everyone thought that “Your deepest fear...” quote was Nelson Mandela’s? Because ugh, no, she needs to go away.

Hell’s bells, Trudy!”

Yep, it was called going on progress, and His Majesty basically hit up the nobility to bunk in as he travelled around the country. The king would go on progress ostensibly so that his people could see him. Sometimes, he judged at trials, or he’d touch commoners and “cured” them of things like scrofula.

Will Obama publishing a book make any goddamn difference if Trump won’t concede when he loses, though? And when he has implied that civilians and the military will take up arms to his “defense” if they feel that it’s justified? There is a core 40% of the country who are forever Trumpers. I would like to be optimistic,

Yes, but when Trump loses, he won’t concede, and all those people will be on his side. What happens then? 

We can’t wait. They all have to be investigated/impeached: Trump, McConnell, Pence, Kushner, all of them. It has to happen now. Trump has no problem with targeting bodies as well as voting rights, especially if it distracts the media and his base from thinking about his crimes and rising against him; just look at how

Don’t get me started. When I was a child in the 1970s, my auntie (who was also my guardian) would give her pastor tithes every week, plus offering on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. The man and his family lived in a gorgeous house in a nice part of our town that the people in his ghetto storefront church bought him

I couldn’t get through 5 minutes of Mrs. Brown’s Boys without a frown on my face, it was that bad. Thankfully, it was Christmastime and at the house where I was visiting there were lots of other people around, and I was easily lured into a game of Risk (Game of Thrones version).

It’s how Stephen Miller still has a job.

I have not, though I see he and Dolenz will be in my town in a couple of weeks.

Now playing

My favorite song that Peter had a hand in writing is “Long Title: Do I Have to Do This All Over Again?” from the Head soundtrack. It’s just some 1st rate late 60s psychedelia. And shit’s deep, yo:

Why would a young actor risk not ever working again by lying about being attacked when we all know that the cops will figure it out?

I’m ready to move to Iceland. Jesus fucking Christ.


The MAGA Youth and the Black Israelites. JFC.

Aw, RIP, Captain.

Grant’s own mother and children have spoken on what sort of awful woman she is. But let’s say Meghan is actually a horrific human being, and all her past charity, USO touring, UN work and so on prior to her marriage were simply sociopathic stunts; the accolades from all her past co-workers bald-faced lies, well, it’ll

Of all the stories I’ve seen where I was like, “You have got to be fucking kidding me with this shit” was the one about the tiaras. Seeing that Prince Harry is lowish in the line of succession, HM QEII would’ve shown Meghan only the tiaras she’d be willing to lend out. Meghan had a choice among most likely two or