
Both times that I’ve seen this movie, I didn’t like it. Besides the story problems, and the awful takeaways based on the stories, I was supremely and irrationally irked by the “Milwaukee International Airport” thing.

Welp, he didn’t stay silent, which removed all doubt.

Appalling. I hope these women are getting or have gotten whatever help they need.

I have to have a good cup of coffee in the morning, but I drink tea for the remainder of the day, or else I won’t be able to go to sleep before 4 AM. Yorkshire Gold when I can get it, PG Tips when I can’t. It’s all good.

I saw it at a screening a couple of weeks ago, and it was fine, a trifle on a Sunday evening. Stakes were high for all of these women in real life, though, and very high indeed for Lady Churchill. I feel that the film didn’t really give a sense of how high they were, followed as each set piece was by something funny.

Oh, sure, I’d bet the movie about him and Tammy Wynette would be called “D-I-V-O-R-C-E”.

Ha! Thanks! Shows how much country I listen to. My George Jones-loving grandpa would be appalled. I just go on YouTube and put on Roy Clark pickin’ for a 1/2 hour to get my country fix.

The Commodores’ “Sail On” has a country vibe, too, I think, in the verses. Richie wrote Lady” for Kenny Rogers (which, OK, isn’t all that country, tbh), and then there was “Stuck On You”, a straight-up country song.

Came for The Smiths reference, got my Smiths reference! Go, Gen X!

If you are an atheist, bow your head during grace.


Aidan Quinn was on my Brooklyn-bound R train a few years ago. I only know this because I had been reading a book when I had a sudden feeling that someone was looking at me; like, really looking at me. I glanced up to suss it out, and it was him, standing across from me near the doors. I gave him a tiny, twinkly smile

Jason Mantzoukas was one of my many improv teachers back in the day. Glad to see he’s so successful now!

While I’m sure the Kochs will find some way to punish him, the part of me that’s truly mean would like Walker to be tried for crimes against the state, then put in a stockade on the Capital lawn where every public union member in Wisconsin, every state resident who needs Medicaid, and every student in the UW System get

Don’t start none, won’t be none. 

White people are being slaughtered” by Jews and POC?!?!!? WHAT? Bullshit. Fucking bullshit. These people have to be absolutely fucked in the head to not accept that their so-called “fellow” whites are the ones killing them. But they’d rather delude themselves about that, and now the rest of us have to worry about

This shooting was literally in Mister Rogers’ neighborhood; he lived in Squirrel Hill when he was alive. 

Any time I see the words “Hail Satan” anywhere, I think of one of my favorite Mr. Show sketches:

Good lord, a folie à deux, just like those girls in WI, and Anne Perry (Juliet Hulme) and Pauline Parker in Australia. Then again, Juliet and Pauline had an understandable motive. Not a good motive, obviously, but understandable.

And every time I try to tell my younger relatives that they need to pay attention because we are frogs in a pot and the heat’s being turned up, that there are white people making plans to annihilate us, they shake their heads at me like I’m insane and go back to their discussion about Nicki v. Cardi, and I can’t.