
But that’s also the relationship Cheeto has with his white base, if they cared to think about it. He wouldn’t dare befriend even an upper middle class, college educated white person. That’s not exalted enough for him, and he’d think he wasn’t getting anything out of the deal.

I remember George Webb as a’ight for a diner, but my fave local place was Oakland Gyros, on the SE corner of Locust Street and Oakland Avenue, right down the street from Ludwig Van Ear/Atomic Records (closed now, but where I spent many a middle and high school lunch period/skipped 8th hour class getting into Bowie,

He guesses?

Oh, lordt. The self-delusion is strong with Ortiz.

This interview, and your story reminds me of how, years ago, I somehow had enough money to take a 4-week women’s improv class taught by Christina Gausas for the UCB in NYC. I was surprised that I was even accepted, because I was at least 12 years older than most of the class, and had only taken a handful of classes at

I was one of those kids, too. My aunt who raised me would get repeatedly stopped by nosy old white women whenever she brought me shopping with her to Gimbels or Kohl’s in the mid-70s. I was much paler then, and there weren’t as many black people in Milwaukee back in 1974.

This tiresome woman.

That one teenage-looking girl at the beginning of this clip, weakly clapping with a “What the hell kind of music is this?” look on her face until she realized the camera was on her. ::shakes head:: Sorry this isn’t Ariana or Shawn Mendes, child, but the Queen was gonna get her shine.

Exactly. She hasn’t got the ducats to fly herself and her hanger-on to London every month. Surely the law of diminishing returns for the tabloids should be kicking in, though, at least until BP announces that Meghan’s expecting.

Not just her back!

What does Bezos want, a cookie?

Yes, there’s a few areas like this even in New York City, the ur-example being the Riverdale neighborhood. Which is in the Bronx. They like to pretend they’re Westchester, though. ::eyeroll::

Voici l’essentiel:

I went as a bused-in student to a very wealthy suburban high school in the mid-late 80s, with classmates nicknamed Trip and Kip, of all things! As I was in an extremely conservative Christian home, I never went to the weekly keggers. I did get a few invites from time to time, but turned them down. I’d’ve been that “t

Do you folks like coffee? Real coffee from the hills of Colombia?”

I just remember Goop’s yelping and shrieking that came from the waxing cabana next to mine at J Sisters in 1999 (J Sisters’ private waxing areas looked like beach cabanas). At one point, the woman doing my bikini wax rolled her eyes to high heaven at an especially loud Goop shriek. I didn’t dare ask if such screaming

There was hardly ever due process for us, so yesterday was Simply Thursday on that front, as far as I’m concerned. The scariest thing I’m taking away from this is that we, as a people, are about to get seriously shivved. They’re going to put this vile creature on the court today, and that court will come for what few

This assemblage of carbon-based cells hasn’t got the time to actually do anything, though; keeping her roots in that fake shade of “Towheaded Nordic Child” blonde takes up a lot of time.

Harry Styles does nothing for me in the same way that his grandpaganger Mick Jagger never did anything for me.

Oh, I haven’t been to Milwaukee since 1996, but I remember that. If I took the #22 bus going west, Tosa started at 60th and Center.