
His dumb ass bankrupted a casino.

What a cutie patootie! I would like a dog, but I’m so often on the go, it would be unfair to have a dog.

And while he blamed black-on-black crime on single motherhood and single motherhood on us moving away from the church, the true enemies in our communities are the Jasper-ass niggas wielding power. 

It just struck me at how many funerals Stevie Wonder’s sung: Luther’s, Michael’s, Etta’s, Whitney’s, Andrae’s, Aretha’s...

You can’t say anything that those Fox news fuckers won’t try to twist around, anyway, so fuck it. You might as well say what you’re gonna say, is what I
say. They’re a lost cause to their Lost Cause. :P

Surely there can be some sort of exhibition put up for her and her groundbreaking work. Her career started in ~1963. So that’s almost 60 years of dance! Let’s show her that we appreciate her—while she’s still here!

Well. I was 28/29 in 1998, and not getting over the end of a terrible relationship that (in my immaturity) I desperately had wanted to work. I also happened to live near Tom’s Diner, which is four blocks north of my then-flat.

Pfft. Yet again, he’s projecting: “everybody” = himself. No one else matters to him except for himself.


If I but had more than one pair of eyes to roll...

When Bowie was inducted into the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame, and also when he died, didn’t Madonna make her “tributes” to him about herself, as well? 

She carried a huge bag with her to every gig. Why? Because her contracts stated that she would be paid in CASH when she got there. Yes, yes, put that cash money right in her bag that she held in her handsor no gig.

Don’t be mad at me

Yep. It explicitly shows how they lump people into groups in order to dehumanize them and assert “superiority”. It’s part of their MO for subjugation, even to the extent of naming football teams. But no one else is supposed to do that to them! Why, how very dare you?

As a kid I named my cat Jolie (RIP). This was in 1983, so she wasn’t named after any celebrities.

You’d think if they cared so much about pedophiles running rampant and not being caught, they’d help the children in their own communities who have been harmed!  

Not too old, though, and make sure he looks like Gregory Peck.

He would absolutely get off from people leaving him angry messages. They would be badges of honor to him as the ultimate troll.

Who, in their turn, cribbed it from the U.S.; at least Germany did, and well prior to Nazism.