
The way this man openly despises us on the one hand, and then tries to get us to love him on the other reminds me of my deeply emotionally disturbed guardian aunt. Any time she had a shitty day (or if in her presence I got positive attention from other people), she’d find a reason to whip me for a solid 5+ minutes

He babbles nonsensically and expects everyone to pat him on the head because his ideas are just that awesome... except some of us out here actually have a few brain cells to rub together and see that he’s a complete idiot. None of what he’s said here makes any kind of sense. I mean, pardoning Muhammad Ali? How? His

“Canary in a coal mine” is how I see that. If they get away with it for LGBT people, then what groups of people would be next?

That’s not what they want. Authoritarians need “enemies” and “threats to their way of life” to exert their power against, so even if we did split up the country, they would want to take over the rest and “destroy opposition”—because that’s their raison d’etre. Notice when Stalin had the Soviet Union well under his

I was raised in Milwaukee, and I can tell you THEY ARE ALL RACIST, so fuck that son of a diarrhetic asshole cop. I swear, they even try to gaslight themselves, the fuckers!

All I can think as I’ve ever watched him speak at any time is “used car salesman”. This “charisma” everyone talks about, I don’t get it. He’s utterly smarmy.

All the other shows are most likely crewed up for next season. Perhaps if some films come down the pike and they know the unit production manager, line producer, or head of department, they could get a job. Otherwise...

I’m so tired of these racists.

If he’s really upset that his son was killed in battle in the ME, it was his beloved American white guy corporate warmongers who put his son in that danger so they could make money. He knows this on some feral level. He wants to believe otherwise because not being able to continue worshiping “America” and feeling

That SCOTUS ruling on collective workplace action this week sure was convenient, eh?

They can only wish they were Beverly Hillbillies. Them ‘billies had money and lived in a mansion with a cement pond. These ‘billies barely have a pot to piss in, and that’s what’s pissing them off, that the daughter of the black woman they loathe went and did something for herself, and then lucked out with a prince. I

This is yet another instance of him externalizing his own self-loathing. He will be forever butt-hurt that the old WASP/Dutch money of New York City (rightfully) thinks of him and his family as money-grubbing, social climbing trash. They will use him for his tax breaks, but he will never be one of them. And he knows

I’ve had a commemorative rocks glass from Charles and Di’s wedding since, I want to say, mid-college in the early 90s, and have no memory of how I acquired it.

Supposedly Kensington Palace has had someone make a phone call, per an item on Blind Gossip today, and if any of these... people... show up on any chat show, this British network’s access to the Royal family in future will be cut off. These... people... are now reportedly very upset at this development, and claiming

“Sheesh! How much has she been drinking since March 2006, then?” was my first thought.

I forgot what year Poland was, with the butter-churning and clothes-scrubbing women, but where I was watching it, all the jaws at first dropped, then the room erupted into guffaws.

I’ve been a Kraftwerk fan for decades, and I saw this video years ago. It’s adorable. And what struck me about it after a few views are Ralf’s surprisingly warm and human vocals in this version. Then again, nothing can really sound robotic in Italian, not even sprechsingen.

Polanski can fuck off. It’s a privilege—not a right!—to be a member of the Academy. And he needs to be in jail, anyway.

Nah, this is payback for Rotten Pumpkin not giving him a cabinet seat. Y’all know he’s petty like that.