
Exactly what I was thinking. That poor child.

I’ve literally never heard of Bobby Caldwell until this post and clicked on that link. This is one of those songs I’d hear wafting from the receptionist’s desk radio at the doctor’s office in the 70s. I just thought it was Al Jarreau and never thought about it again.

I read about this place in Spy magazine a billion years ago, when I was still in college. These Grove types seem like emotionally damaged weirdos and it pisses me off that these men pretty much have our lives in their hands.

One of the more disgusting things about capitalism is that EVERY GODDAMN THING is but an “asset”, ripe for commercialization. This sort of shit grinds my gears.

They also need to stop acting like everyone darker than a manila folder is a criminal, but that’s going to be a bit harder to tackle since their “believing” such a thing gives them the internal permission to do evil shit.

The one that a lot of black people I know don’t get is Martin Gore from Depeche Mode. I saw him at a show and wasn’t even 10 feet from the man, and I couldn’t tell, either, but I knew about it. He’s blue-eyed and colored, as someone once sang, “a snow-white tan”. Then again, he didn’t know he was black either until

Many mothers are also beaten by such men (I unfortunately know this from personal childhood experience), but I say a motherfucker has to go to sleep. You touch my kids and you’re through. People out here who think they can wail away on kids, any kids, like they’re in a fucking bar fight need to be punished to the

White women aren’t “sacred”, they’re “tissues” and wombs. By tamping down on white women’s sexual choices, white men think they will prevent being “overruled” and “defeated” by other men they think of as lesser than themselves. They want to talk that “law of the jungle” bullshit about other people when yet again,

Per Tom and Lorenzo, deets on the clothes!

I’ve read that Bets met him when she was 13 (he was 18) and was basically, “Yep, him.”.

I’ve always thought that people who hurl those lies about us know that they’re lies, but their egos depend upon their “belief”, even the rich ones who honestly have no need to belittle anyone because they’re on top already, like the Kochs. I’m pretty sure those boys hate black people with the fire of a million suns. Th

People need to mind their own business and tend to their own gardens because they’ve got weeds enough. Congrats on not letting anyone stop you!

These situations are so obviously about the obscene need of the perpetrator to exert power over someone in that moment. No amount of “Oh, but this is merely flirtation! Woe is us! How are we ever to let the laydeez know we dig ‘em?” weeping and wailing is going to hide this.

The first three series of Monty Python’s Flying Circus, and it has to be watching them on a TV in the living room with my dinner, and not flipping through random sketches on YouTube on the iPad. The only thing missing is the old local PBS station ID to make the experience complete.


You forgot the part where, after dinner but before dessert, the 50-plus-ers sit in the sitting room (which is NOT the living room; it’s the room at Mama’s house that’s for holidays/exalted company only, and plastic may or may not be on the Louis XIV-esque furniture).

I had a bf who LOVED Zappa. Like, worshiped him. Operative word is “had”. The ONLY work I like by Zappa, and it’s a damn demo for a radio commercial. I like it probably because of Linda Ronstadt’s singing, and that it’s short. The other Zappa-esque work I like is actually by Weird Al Yankovic: “Genius In France.

He knew what he did was wrong. He knew that the race war he wanted and the misogyny he embodied was wrong, but he didn’t care, because he was angry at the world and wanted to hurt it like he perceived that his family and the system hurt him.

I went to a place on the LES called Jump Into the Light yesterday, and saw a 4D video of a tune called “Peroration 6" by a band called Floating Points. I liked the music, so I’m going to check more of it out.

I will actually watch TV to cheer these women on!