
I laughed when I saw this on Tuesday. It’s funny. I’m sure Minaj meant it to be funny, on some level. She’s milking narcissism for laughs.

This is awful. I’d file for assault charges if I were her, then, even if I do agree with his politics.

This sounds just so... odd.

When I was little, my uncle who was stationed near Munich would send me and all my cousins a ton of these! And then I found them again as an adult in Brooklyn at some bodegas.

Some days I feel a little “Freya”, doncha know?

What is it with these ultra-white-wing women that they’re all such fake blondes? Are they not confident enough in their whiteness that they can’t stay brunettes? This fucking country... where even the white people try to make themselves ever more Nordic.

So, wait, I’ve had lutefisk, and bleached my hair blonde once, and I love cold weather, and those old school LL Bean sweaters, you know the ones, navy blue with the white checks. I felt right at home in Iceland. And the sea. Always the sea...

I think we have to reconcile ourselves to the fact that all our faves are problematic. All of them. Mine too, though I can’t say that Uncle Joe was a fave of mine. :’(

I’ve seen elsewhere that he apparently killed his grandmother-in-law, so it was definitely his latest in-laws he was angry at.

Let me guess: He and his wife were separated, and his parents-in-law told him to piss off and leave their daughter and grandchild alone, so he sent threatening text messages. When he realized that his wife and child weren’t coming back, he decided to kill his in-laws because obviously his now-defunct ownership over

He is aware that automation is probably going to destroy “labor” as we’ve known it in the next 50 years...?

Is it a dog whistle if everyone can hear it, though?

I actually saw red upon reading this. The woman is lying; she was mad that she had to share a dorm room with a black woman. I doubt that Ms. Rowe spoke more to this white woman than absolutely required. And to charge her with a mere misdemeanor, while the school tried to force some Harvey Weinstein-like NDA on Ms.

You can pay 10% and walk, right? So more like $100.

Welp, if the stories about his behavior during the shooting for this series itself are anything to go by, the UPM and exec prods. must have had quite a crew meeting yesterday.

Like those seagulls in Finding Nemo, right? Or like seagulls, period.

Ugh, this one. I want to practice my sidekicks repeatedly on his face.

Gawd, Fox is stupid. How would their 103 year old audience know who either of those bands are, even to understand the joke/troll? They’re probably still playing their “Colonel Bogey March” wax disc on their Gramophones.

Before the election, I heard a clip from the Howard Stern show from a few years back, where Dolt 45 and Ivanka were given a multiplication problem to solve without the aid of pencil and paper, or a calculator (I don’t recall if the sons were there). Anyway, Ivanka’s thinking out loud about how to approach the problem

How the fuck can you tell us not to cry wolf when you have never recognized a wolf?