
If post processing is optimized for low framerates, companies should optimize them for the higher ones with a software update. I fail to see how lenses conflict with framerate. If they do, they too can be changed in the design of a new camera. Otherwise, your comment doesn't really respond to mine in any

No, they weren't used because they were available in non-film formats, which were still catching up to the overall quality of film, so much of the cinema industry stuck with film for far longer than time-constrained TV productions.

Forgive his rudeness, as it was likely in response to my own.

I hope our remake doesn't ruin Misfits.

You just proved my point: the lower budget, more time-constrained productions had access to lower-quality video which happened to have a higher framerate standard than film. You never linked high framerate directly to decrease in quality, since there is no such direct link. The simple fact is that the film cameras

"Viewers complained that the movie looked too real, that it had that look of low-budget television."

The premise of this complaint is stupid. High framerate does NOT look low-budget; low-budget productions just happened to have access to higher framerates. There is nothing about high framerate as such which gives any indication of a low budget. This is pure guilt-by-association (read: pure idiocy).

Yes, adding more mass to an object makes it more massive. Next question.

This just seems like going at a housefly with a flamethrower. Get rid of the parties' direct influence in government; they have no business there.

"Yeah, I do play those games, you fucking asshole." basically

That looks strangely familiar...

Forgive me, I didn't catch the verbal irony of the word "Inspirational."

insulting yourself along with everyone else is insprirational?

Didn't she start with a mostly finished hat?

"Showing all apps at once (Windows Phone style) and searching with a few keystrokes is the Windows 8 equivalent to the old Programs menu."

The dinosaurs have a better explanation than the continental violent shattering. It's a Journey to the Center of the Earth type of location.

You're right. I was being a total dick the day I made all these comments. My rudeness was uncalled for.

The guy with the gun IS the troll here.

Trackball on a gamepad? Yes please. Even better if I could have it AND two sticks.