
So your argument is that we should make them criminals because there's a possibility they might choose to be dishonest, thus breaking anti-fraud laws which are already in place? I hope you can see how silly that is. Whether or not anyone trusts them is completely irrelevant to whether or not the law should prohibit

I am not. It is good to see your rationality in this sea of morons.

I didn't need to; i wanted to. They were in it for themselves and brought charity along for the ride, using it to gain publicity and incentive for their raffle, and it would have the nice effect of doing the same for the charity. Such is selfish, as it is done for their own benefit, and that's the end of the story.

Bashing people for wanting to help themselves confirms to me that you're an asshole.

If you really, REALLY want to keep such a dangerous AI in existence, leave it in a computer that's not connected to anything but a power source. It's really that simple and requires zero development. This is stupid. This "expert" is acting stupid.

They were breaking a law. A stupid one that shouldn't exist, but a law nonetheless.

Thank you for using your brain.

Yes, it's selfish and benefits themselves. You say that's wrong, and I say fuck you. There's nothing wrong with trying to benefit yourself, no matter how much selfish is used as a stupid insult.

So because they're benefiting themselves primarily and just bringing the charity along for their ride, it's wrong? Fuck that; there's still nothing wrong with what they wanted to do.

The raffle part should be legal, is the point, as there is nothing at all wrong with it. Anti-gambling laws only exist to squash the states' and tribes' competition, anyway.

I disagree with the last paragraph. You should NOT feel guilty for putting yourself first. You should NOT feel guilty for wanting to help yourself. You have no obligation to serve anyone; if you had forgone charity entirely and kept all the raffle proceeds, you still would not have been in the wrong. Don't let

Why the fuck not? If people get screwed over, it's due to stupidity, oversight, simply losing to the agreed odds, or fraud. If it's fraud, there is legal recourse; if not, it's their own damn fault.

His argument clearly implies that there's no reason it should be illegal. Outlawing gambling between consenting adults is stupid.

So corporations being corrupt and bribing people to increase profits is what you call obvious, but governments being corrupt and bribing people to increase power isn't even considered as a possibility? Such an oversight (and, arguably, complete distortion of the entire issue) is so astounding that I must question its

Both in the US have a totalitarian lean, but with differing focus and degree. Political spectrums are also bullshit and serve only to shift focus away from discussion of actual issues and towards silly namecalling and ridiculous comparisons.

I just don't like partisan hacks.

"Liberal" as used does not mean "US political left." Your lazy, partisan smears are pathetic and silly.

because a savegame is a fucking savegame and they wouldn't break compatibility with previous pc versions because that would be fucking retardism?

Not JUST graphics quality, but overall computing power. Better/more number crunching = better/more AI and physics.

these balls are certainly not inert