
How gaming has fallen.... Used to be gamers were excited and happy when a game had depth, complication, random details and objectives.

These days if an action requires you to memorize more than a couple of elements or if you have a multi-step process to achieve something people start complaining.
"Oh no, its so

If you watched the video, the reason they had to go to a dungeon was to create a specialty piece. You can craft normal gear and such in town, but ya work a little for the good stuff.

Is it the responsibility of this website to report a news story for including the word "xbox"?

Correction: the president relies on straw men just like butt hurt console war nerds. Good to know. Just another flake of a politician: a lawyer who was trained to argue but not trained to discuss. What an ass.

No one wants to listen to someone who's pushing a program that's glitchy as fuck

The notion that it is the Republicans who are holding the government hostage is nonsense. It is entirely the reverse: the Democrats and Obama are the ones holding the government hostage.

I do not say this as a Republican (I abandoned that party almost 10 years ago, and good riddance), but as an observer with no dog in

I think you have that backwards. The Republicans gave Reid and Obama everything they wanted...every program funded...even the ones they're opposed to...with the exception of Obamacare. Reid has refused to advanced them so as to protect Obama from having to go on the record as vetoing them.

So let me get this straight. The republicans wanted to stop a horrible law from passing that would affect everyone but the super rich and essentially ruin healthcare for everyone and they are the bad guys? WOW.

It infuriates me that people equate this with terrorism.

Our constitution - the social contract which unites the states - our political societies in which we exercise the principle of consent of the governed - was not designed with a large permanent bureaucracy in mind.

Democrats have been unwilling to budge an inch either here so it is disgusting and shameful tactics that the Prez is using trying to curry favor by say "nuh uh, it is their fault!" when he won't make any concessions. Nobody cares that the democrats pushed through that stupid health bill because fact of the matter is

I know its weird, but I really hope this shutdown cripples the country. Im sick of the way things have been and it seems like bringing the system to its knees is the only way any real change will occur.

Did I somehow get redirected to Gawker?

2006 - Then Senator Obama voted NO on raising the debt ceiling.

March 16 2006

So, it's the Republican's fault for the shutdown?

Democrats definition of "negotiation" it our way or else.