
It doesn't semantically erase agnosticism. Agnosticism and atheism refer to completely different things. You can be a theistic agnostic- you act under the assumption that deities exist, but admit that there is no and can be no direct evidence of them. I've known a good number of religious people that would be agnostic

I had negative things to say about the article back then, and I'm not going to be any nicer about it today. Instead, let's just play a game called "set theory".

This whole argument relies on a fundamental misunderstanding of the way military recruitment works. The navy especially has already been dealing with increasingly technologically sophisticated weapon systems for decades now. We don't recruit expert Sonar Techs or Fire Control Technicians; we recruit intelligent young

Sorry, but I'm going to have to go with Rorshach. Misogynist, anti-Semite, right wing conspiracist, psychopath. I don't adore him, I don't want to hang out with him, but 'cool' and far more interesting than the guys Moore thought the audience would be rooting for (Dr Manhattan and Veidt), yes. Hands down.


No, it's completely wrong to say there was a "significant calorie reduction" just on the basis of what was said. People have a bad (and well proven) habit of unintentionally making significant changes in diet other than the one they consciously think they're making. Without a fully documented food and activity log

How gaming has fallen.... Used to be gamers were excited and happy when a game had depth, complication, random details and objectives.

These days if an action requires you to memorize more than a couple of elements or if you have a multi-step process to achieve something people start complaining.
"Oh no, its so

If you watched the video, the reason they had to go to a dungeon was to create a specialty piece. You can craft normal gear and such in town, but ya work a little for the good stuff.

It 'belonged' to no-one but him.

an opportunistic ass-wipe with a metal detector

When I said "sounds like bullshit", I didn't mean that I thought that the article was mistaken, but that it sounded like the guy got screwed. :P

I don't get this. Maybe I just didn't read it closely enough, but this sounds like bullshit.

I remember that scene. It's the bar where they start a war. Start a nuclear war.

They are about as different as Coke and Pepsi.

In the first book/season, that's exactly the point. It takes advantage of your preconceptions by placing an archetypical "fantasy hero" in a realistic medieval power struggle. You keep expecting the hero to prevail because that's what happens in fantasy stories... then the story kicks you in the balls and screams in

Fairly close to what would really happen if a mentally unstable man became a vigilante. But some of the hallucinations and...stuff...with Ellen Paige's Bolty went a little far into "WTF" territory.

What happens to Brad Pitt in Burn After Reading. Totally out of left field.

Speed Racer. Underrated hyperactive masterpiece.

Stupid question maybe but wouldn't it have made more sense to compare wet, pruny hands vs wet, smooth hands rather than dry hands? My thought process being that while a wet pruny hand is inferior to a dry hand perhaps it's superior to a wet smooth hand. I say perhaps only, now someone sciency take the idea and science