
So "You only get one" ended up meaning only one level?

"You don't get a chance to call your bank and say, 'I'm not going to pay my mortgage this month unless you throw in a new car and an Xbox.'"

*will allow

You refuse to believe that more computing power will not allow more powerful computations? Wow, dude. Wow.

I have an 8 core 3.5GHz processor made by AMD. It is in the same architecture family as that found in the Xbox One (and PS4). He might have the same one. Didn't think about that, eh?

When I heard "HD Remix," I thought they'd be doing more than adding slightly higher res versions of the same goddamn textures on the same goddamn meshes with the same goddamn lighting & effects. They're fully capable of making the whole game look about as good as the cutscenes, like some other recent HD remakes, but

"Updated" loosely defined, here. Really just re-compressed from the masters at a slightly higher res. Still the same goddamn textures. Not a single alteration or update to the graphics engine of the game.

Hey, I've got an idea! Let's run an old game at higher res, give it zero graphical enhancements whatsoever, and call it an HD Remix!

I always thought the gameplay demanded a controller or touchscreen, but it wouldn't support gamepad input. It'd be nice if they'd update the PC version with gamepad support. Might make it into a decent lean-back-casual game.

"That -gamers- are the ones attacking a stupid shooting gallery game on iOS as some kind of evil murder simulator is simply mind-boggling."

Trolls trolling trolls.

Please, feel free to point out where he contradicted himself.

You've just unwittingly made my argument for me. People don't exclusively buy what they already fully understand. If you try to argue that they do, you're just hanging yourself in your own militant stupidity.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Like most cover art, it would be understood once you start playing the game. It represents what you will find in the game. That's what cover art is supposed to do.

And how many people knew anything about the diving suit drill-hand monster on the first game's cover? Your argument is invalid.

I just hear Ayn Rand's voice.

How rational of you. Read this, then try calling her a demented bitch again:

So he's trying to personify a metaphor, then rebrand and reword sociology. Great.

Brings a whole new meaning to "skull crusher."

It's all trailer footage. They might still pursue, but I think it's more likely they'll enjoy the free publicity.