
He was also an alchemist who believed he could learn to magically turn lead into gold. Achievement gives no credence to folly.

That is disgusting and viscious.

The headline frames this study as one of ethics, when in reality it is nothing more than statistics. This did nothing at all to "solve the conundrum;" it is a statistical analysis of which route people took.

Menu would work better with regular Kinect menu control gestures, rather than voice

It must have been programmed by Sheogorath.

Claiming partially-related effects to be causes. Great. Keep up the good work.

So is wood nasty like sperm? No? You mean it's a clean, sanitary source of cellulose? And sperm is NOT a clean, sanitary source of protein? Your point just disintegrated.

Then it'd be awesome if this one comes preloaded with D1&2

It has everything the Skyrim CE has and more, yet it will probably be around $50 less... -_-

I'll go make my own Horadric Cube! With BLACKJACK! And HOOKERS!

medical dispensaries, of course

No, you don't. The maps tell you nothing of the in-game world size.

You're confusing "invisible wall" with trying to walk up a visible one and failing due to the steep incline.

roughly 2/3 the lore land area with roughly the same in-game land area, meaning more detail

Deadpool Who


"I can't think of any examples of seeing a vagina in a movie before"

You speak as if all beliefs are of equal merit and therefore deserve equal respect (implicit also in your words is a false equation of the words "belief" and "faith"). You are wrong. I have no respect for beliefs which are irrational, false, or arbitrary. Respect must be earned, not freely given without judgment;

Intuition is one of those terms which has been muddled by misuse. I think Meyers-Briggs helped cloud this one. Good to see you sticking to the accurate, specific definition.

"In fact, our satellites were actually able to monitor the amounts of sunlight entering the atmosphere and radiation leaving it."