
It's strange, why would you be able to cast spells without empty hands in Oblivion, when in Morrowind, spells could not be cast with the player holding a weapon.

The ONLY footage/screens that have been released by Bethesda are from the Xbox 360 version. They've said so over and over and over again since the first gameplay trailer.

Either it's scripted for demo purposes, or it's just the same recycled footage.

I'm unsure. Composition may also play a role.

So, basically, you want gaming PCs to be consoles. Go play your console.

You just said it: rewritten. Completely rewritten. That doesn't mean copypasted and edited for syntax. Rewritten. If the whole engine is rewritten, it's a new engine. Get over yourself.

A brown dwarf is similar to a gas giant. Good luck finding a surface solid enough to walk on.

I'm with you on this one.

saynomore, saynomore

So you're not fine with calling them PC exclusive games, but you're fine with calling them PC only games? "Exclusive" and "only" mean the same thing in that context. You don't even agree with yourself, apparently.

What Todd Howard said was that when they started, they intended to only modify the gamebryo engine, but ended up scrapping/rewriting it almost entirely. It is no longer the same engine.

How did Twilight Princess enter this discussion? Who said TP came before OoT?

you mean crossbreed, which is what you meant and is the opposite of inbreed.

yep, still wondering about that

It's not a rumor that Xbox Live will be integrated into Windows 8. MS said it themselves.

He is bald with no hat because he's the Heavy.

Well, she can dance and sing a little bit.

Gene-splicing oneself for all nursing duties, becoming able to produce MAGNIFICENT QUANTITIES of lactic fluid is what I call dedication.

It's not really forward/backward at all. That seems to have just been River's cynic side talking. It's really just chaotically out of order, I think.