
I still can't get over the awesome fact that SMEE IS BACK!

They are both using the new controller. Obviously so. Anyone who actually watches the video can see that. dantemustdie doesn't know what he's talking about. The guy said he's using the new controller with "classic fps controls," meaning dual thumbsticks, meaning you don't have to use the motion look if you don't

"you need to have faith that there's no God"

That's the joke.

The STL one you picture is nice and all, but the Songbird OoT is more color-accurate and detailed.

It's not even a 12 hole!

The movie didn't capture the feel of the book. The book built a forboding; the movie used cheap shocks.

Or just restore the Charon mass relay.

Megapixel is a metric measurement. Mega is the metric prefix for million. Megabyte = million bytes. Megapixel = million pixels. It literally means one million pixels. It has nothing to do with the density or content of those pixels.

You seem to have it about right, but with emphasis on the "or" syllable. OH-re-gun. And it is indeed "gen" or "gun" for the last syllable. It is NOT "gone."

Shit logs will stay in that shape for a while if they're not in water.

"There's a 'Supermassive Black Hole' in the TARDIS."

Right, because it's far less likely that at some point passing celestial bodies might alter one another's positions and orientations. Everything formed in a galaxy simply must remain in the same rotational orientation as that galaxy for the billions of years duration of the existence of the galaxy, perhaps even after

Oh...I see what you did there...

I take it you've never watched Fringe? He's one of the stars of the show, been on since episode 1.

It can't prevent you from playing any software made to use the 512MB ram. It prevents that software from being as robust as it could be.


I'd like to order an Xbox Supreme at Taco Bell.

A better way to describe that analogy in this case would be to say that antimatter rests on the other side of the rubber sheet. It does exactly the same thing to spacetime as regular matter, but from a different perspective. If we assume light is not on either side of the analogical sheet, but rather runs through

So the perfect bessel beam extends forever...but there are no perfect bessel beams...