
Where's Azura's Star in all this? Oh, sorry, wrong game.


Why pretend it's something it's not? Digital is not film; digital is digital, and it should be embraced in itself for its own qualities. People shouldn't try to make it look like it has the limitations of film and instead actually take advantage of the fact that it doesn't have them. We shouldn't let the

That subconscious association is not a given. It is so BECAUSE cinema uses 24p, and "we" is not all-inclusive. It is conditioned. People just don't want to change what they're used to. It is not weird because it's weird; it's weird to many people (not all) because it's different. It is not weird in itself; many

unoriginal, kinda shitty plot != nonexistent plot

So many people complaining about this, saying they like their shitty 24fps...ugh...sometimes even literally saying it is for NO OTHER REASON than the fact that they're used to it...

Except they both got that from Xerox.

"we really can't even define 'god'."

And I am disagreeing with your point of believing in something more than you, or more specifically, at least believe in karma. The only thing "more than you" anyone should believe in is reality, since such is the rational course.

There is no such thing as a legitimate religion.

And yet your religious faith is based on nothing of the sort. It is based on no evidence, no reason, nothing other than the preachings of an old book, a fairy tail. You've essentially just said, "Oh yeah? Well you're FALLIBLE! HAH! That puts you on the same level as MY irrationality!" Except it doesn't.

"solid foundation" HAH!

Yes, religion and faith are not interchangeable terms. Faith is indeed the core point of it all. It is the essence of all religion's irrationalities. Also, when you say your faith can be in God or even in yourself, you are conflating two very different and completely unrelated definitions of "faith:" faith as in

Why do you people insist on clouding truth and conflating terms? Atheism is a lack of belief in deities. Nothing more, nothing less. If religion didn't exist, there would be no such thing as an atheist, since it is only a negation. Stop attaching unrelated things to the simple term. It requires nothing else. You

This one does not have time for your solid waste excrement.

People point out the eye chart, etc.

Conan one was better.

Stunning? Really? Mundane passes for stunning now?

"on average, just two species died out every million years."