
You mean the app store that came out a while after the device people claim redefined the smartphone? The original, "revolutionary" iPhone was as much a smartphone as Microsoft Kin.

What's the big deal? 2012 is when they plan to release Windows 8, which will run on ARM. Makes perfect sense.

What makes that illustration hilarious is that we're looking at the back of the head, so the artist drew the RIGHT brain as cubicle-dwellers and the LEFT as hippies. Subtle message, stupid mistake, or mirrored copy of the image?

They're still being sold, you know. The one in your picture is from Songbird: []

School of Conception? That's new.

I'd believe it was a feature if they allowed you to change the default settings.

His eyes are running Android 3.0

You may not think it's a good idea, but I wouldn't mind seeing a Cool Boarders / Wipeout mashup.

Here I was thinking it was a cask of mead shaped like Mjolnir...

Haha, "thrust" of the study.

Where did your logic go? Every used game has already been bought from the original maker. The maker has already gotten paid for it. Pirated games were either never bought or only bought once, and they can be copied any number of times.

Yes, it's delicious...

Yes, let's do away with pesky version numbers for everything.

I can't write fast enough to keep up with what I'm thinking or hearing. I get tripped up and confused. Typing ftw.