Totally competitive in this space. You got me, dude.
Totally competitive in this space. You got me, dude.
Code doesn’t work
Code doesn’t work
The sooner that Harley transitions to being a more general-audience motorcycle company and the sooner they get out from under that gruesome image/lifestyle identity that they’ve lived on for the last four decades - what was once their marketing hook is now suffocating them - the better off they will be.
Wow, that's almost as much horsepower as 2001 R6!
I dunno, I have a hard time picturing a 650 lb bike with 100 hp ripping anything out of its socket.
Yeah that car looks cool for some reason. It’s a mix of Asian limo and some sort of classic Euro car.
what did you call me?
25 year wait begins now!
That moment when your street-legal oem car is more ricey than a homologated race car.
Proof that less fake vents is always better.
Sounds like a GM smallblock with an automatic...
My truck, affectionately called “leaky” by my family, deals with the fluids itself.
I don’t care about her denial. It’s all fake bs or people are terrible. Let’s say the crash is real. You need medical attention. You need help from bystanders and not staged photos. Yes, those photos are staged regardless of whether or not the crash occurred.
DCTs are just automatics that cost more to fix.
Looking at the Nissan USA lineup they just don’t have anything left I would pick over another comparable vehicle
Or an Oldsmobile.
I was thinking the same thing. 10% of ~10 is.. 1?
Nissan’s lineup is TERRIBLE. The only models they’ve updated in the last 10 years are ugly sedans and bland SUVs no one wants whose engines both self destruct in <25k miles.
I still laugh when I see a new Nissan, holy fucking guacamole they are hideous. Nissan is the 3rd cousin no one talks about.
Yeah, I can’t count more than 10.
918 Spyder technology for 911 Turbo money...and also slower than a 911 Turbo and no more fuel efficient.