I was, and thanks, I had my astronaut confused, I thought he was the one with a twin who is also an astronaut and an american senator, but yeah, no, wrong people, those are the Kelly brothers ^^
I was, and thanks, I had my astronaut confused, I thought he was the one with a twin who is also an astronaut and an american senator, but yeah, no, wrong people, those are the Kelly brothers ^^
Sameness ?
I mean, you are in a tin can with quite a few others, but they have a very busy life up there, with all the science work, station maintenance, meatbag maintenance... They get some free time too, they can watch movies and sports (Pesquet was the first person to see a movie about half of France has been…
Meh.. Played a lot more GTA 2 than I did 3 and its follow ups.
It had a lot more charm and quirkiness
I don’t know how it is for other countries, but the only bragging Thomas Pesquet would have to do in France is say “Hi”.
He’s a national treasure, everyone know who he is, what he does, and have seen his incredible pictures.
He’s like the american dude with the mustache, but younger and sexier ^^
You should’ve ^^
It looked like any good homemade pizza does.
MRE pizza is weird because it’s made to last ages unfrozen.
Space food is not. It’s just stuff catapulted into orbit, it doesn’t need to be swimming in preservatives and stuff the way MRE do.
We agree on 2 things !
SUre. You’ll be paid in tips.
That we can agree on lol ^^
But anyways, you asked for an example, not the whole damn list, which I have no time to provide anyways.
I’m a couple hours of underwater train away from the UK (well, was, probably takes longer now with border stuff ? idk ^^), been there a few times, never found food that was any good to me.…
I trust Allison’s judgement, and she is an american ^^
I am definitely not tho.
You seem to be assuming I’m american. I am not :D
Glue traps are so fucking cruel ... Yours are mandated ? That’s fucked up ...
I was gonna make a mask mandate joke but I’m sad, glue traps just fucking sucks and should not exist. Good on you for making things quicker for the lizard..
It’s your milkshake Janice. It’s always your milkshake.
Damn hallmark, 8.4% in a can is hobo beer territory, you’re gonna get a whole bunch of middle aged white moms wasted ^^
I’ve seen the first one !
Not the second tho... what’s it called ? :D
Minecraft food actually look a lot better...
I’d try it because I try anything, but this is dumb, how do companies like this keep getting funded... Investors really are a bunch of idiots.
It’s not so much that you can’t make cheese, it’s that you generally have weirdass tastes. What you guys consider great when it comes to food, the rest of the world... meh, not so much ^^.
So yeah, english made stuff, generally not my thing, but novelty english made stuff... Just no ^^
Nah, people want all kinds of things. The most vocal amongst them rarely represent the views of a majority.
That was very informative.
They do them a lot less, but they do.
We just don’t take em. Because that’s idiotic.