
cardio, arguably, somewhat yes in a very litteral sense. Calorie burning, not really no ^^

You will not lose weight going to a sauna. You’ll not gain the stamina to run a marathon from it either ^^.
You’ll get mild benefits, mostly because it’s relaxing and relaxing is good for you, but you’ll neither get ripped nor

by the time I saw his dumb post, only sirslud had commented on it, and nobody had starred it yet. And slud said the post was already visible when he commented it...

Sooooo... idk. weird.

really ? that’s the account only post on Kinja and it wasn’t grey...

Damn this stupid thing is just not working even a little bit ...

Yeah, I don’t get it lol, why would you abandon delicious food ?
During BBQ season too !
That’s ludicrous, just freakin eat them... The roosters too if you got those. It’s all food...

I am indeed making a lot of assumptions, since I don’t know the history.

All I’m saying is that I’ve found covid deniers to be absolute morons that shouldn’t be trusted to make decisions about their own lives, let alone the lives of others.

And as you seem to have been bred by one and have made it to functioning adulthoo

Clapton is 76... Just assume it’s some form of dementia at this point and you’re good
(if only the covid denying crap bothers you and you can live with the lifetime of racism, which ... ugh)

Sorry for your dad tho, that blows, too many good people left and way too many moronic assholes remain ...

I mean, he apparently is a covid denier, I’d count myself very lucky to have been kept alive and fed into adulthood and independance if I was in your place ^^

if it’s that idiotic, and only has 1 upvote I always assume it’s done by the person ^^

With views that pathetic I’m assuming he’s either a crankyass boomer or a narcissistic troll and both those categories of garbage humans tend to self like a lot. Which is understandable, since nobody else does...

Oh interesting...
*visits the webstie*
Very interesting...
*Continental US shipping only*

Annnd I’m out. Oh well ^^

Why ? Because a guy that played the guitar kinda ok 30+ years ago think the same bullshit your dad does about a scientific/medical issue ?

I’d be midly concerned if my dad was like that... From very, very far away.

But hey, at least he didn’t take baby sitting advice from him since you’re still there and not hamburgered

why would you ungrey him lol ...
Don’t answer those trolls, leave them dwell in the shadows where they belong.

ahah, I remember... Was funny then, still funny now ^^

Oh hey, I just noticed your last name, we might be distantly related ^^
First time I meet a Palazzi in the wild :)

Aaaah, the insulty person that never tried it.

Ignorance is bliss as they say ? 

I don’t think your heart beating faster has any impact on calorie burning lol.
It’s what you usually do to make your heart beat faster that does that.

Fuck Hulk Hogan with a rusty rake.

I liked Splinter.

Niiice ^^
I just turned 34, and I think the legal age where every man is required to start smoking meats is 35, so I haven’t learned it yet, but it’s getting close, so I’ll follow you soon my friend ^^

But yeah, cooking in the woods is awesome, I usually open a bottle of wine, make some dutch oven bread to go with some

Meh, When I’m at my cabin, quick and easy is the last thing I want.

After the first day, the woods are pretty boring lol. Making long and hard stuff, stuffing them in your face and taking a nap is a great way to eat up a rainy winter afternoon in the woods...

You’re weird then ^^

But like, in a good way :D 

You can
- Have a chance to physically defend yourself
- Burn after being tortured for days

Up to you.

Lol yeah, I’m with you on that one, true justice was not really a thing back then ^^