
Calling it (the book and the movie) “The last duel” was pretty dumb.
It was the last trial by combat, not the last duel.

The last duel in France happened in 1967. So about 600 years after.

Wasn’t Donda suppose to be a video game ?

Ahh, I don’t even know why I care anyways, I haven’t like anything of his in the past decade at least.

If we’re talking really high end meat, most of us (that I know ^^) are no sauce crew.
Béarnaise, bourguignone, tartare, ... those are great on the mundane stuff when the meat itself is just... meh :)

Oh my god... Friendship over... FRIENDSHIP OVER !

First of all, compund butter.
Second of all, you put fucking coriander, the worst of god’s creation, the most overpoweringly bad tasting herb in the world, on steak ?????

No ! Bad Allison !

As someone that lives alone, a two pack buns is something I’d love.
Not because of some idiotic ratio issue, you can just put cut up dogs in pasta to correct that, but because I want hot dogs as a sorta craving about once or twice a year, and 2 is more than enough. And there is zero other thing I’d use those buns for,

Yeah... I can accomodate non extremist veganism (as in, you’d need to be ok with me cooking vegan for you but not always for me), but not any alliums is impossible. My seasoning salt is onion based and I put that shit on pretty much everything ^^

The world needs more people like you... and I need more people like you in my life ^^

I found crickets to be very meh tho.

It tasted good, because all it really tastes like was the seasoning, but the texture was very... idk, sandy ?

Next time I find some I’ll try again because it’s been a while and it was only once, so

It’s probably an aquired taste from childhood.
Mine definitely is ^^

Hell, there is a brand of “high end” canned veggies that I like better than fresh ^^

What’s wrong about that phrasing ?
(genuine question, english is not my first language, but I consider myself pretty good at it, and I don’t see anything wrong with it... Enlighten me :) )

You can, however, make a bunch of prototypes and test them for a few weeks before pumping out vehicles you intend on selling...

they don’t have scales tho.

Not sure if sarcasm or didn’t read the article ...

This thing was suppose to be a multiplayer spin-off of AC Black Flag, a story driven game with pirates. Great one too, you should check it out ^^

Very acurate ^^
Plus first year games are always buggy, don’t take real advantages of the new hardware, don’t have a fraction of the online player bases of old gen, ...

I’ll be waiting for the first round of actual deals, maybe for christmas, maybe next summer... We’ll see :)

If you need anymore convincing that subway is run by idiots, the simple fact that they’re offering the same crap bread than everywhere else in the world in fucking France should be enough.

And no, as far as I know, never once since they started working in the country have they run an “actual, good bread” special

To entertain oneself and his viewers ?
You said it yourself, it’s a challenge. The point is probably just to challenge himself.

As to what’s the point of watching... People like to watch different things. What’s the point of watching reality tv ? what’s the point of watching crap shows filled with so much lies they

idk how these beds are made and rated for weight, but a paper/cardboard pallet can support something like 10k lbs.
I’m guessing the bed will support 2 to 4 olypians (depending on their sports) easily ^^

I guess it might be a body type and preference deal ?
I’ve had one for about 3 years now, I’ve sat in it for 24h straight twice, and for quite a long time total, and it’s been really good to me.

There is deeeeefinitely better office chair options, but at like, 4 times the price ? And since I’ve slowed way down on

It’s all a big social experiment to see how much weird shit we can feed the world before they realize we’re trolling the shit out of y’all :D

I’ve had a policy my entire life to never bother watching Cannes winners because they’re always modern art garbage, but this one seems to be in a class of its own ^^
I’ve only

Nah, we only do that with soccer world cups.

Plus since 2010 we won Cannes in 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2017.
So, not really desperate I’d say ?

Rubber was pretty great tho.
Anything Mr Oizo touches is great ^^
Titane sounds just... Excessive ? idk how to say it, but just the trailer felt tiring... Like it’s trying way too hard to be a french caricature of artsy and button pushing movies... And this is me saying that lol ^^