Obviously no, but damn, from the top picture the car looked like a hatch.
Like a biggass Renault 5 with a V8. That’d have been dope ^^
Obviously no, but damn, from the top picture the car looked like a hatch.
Like a biggass Renault 5 with a V8. That’d have been dope ^^
And then people have public sex on your hood.
Good job, providing hidden public spaces for them, good service ^^
2 things:
-Celine is massive in France. Like, really, really massive. Has been for decades.
-Cannes people are a bunch of weirdos with edgelord tastes.
You don’t really need to look any further ^^
Hell no.
Wouldn’t even consider it at 1300.
Not having sex with a “puddle deep” partner will not magically make them interesting.
I’d argue fucking is the best thing you can do with those.
It depends on the type of lock.
My home electro lock does that too. It’s battery powered, RFID tags or a code opens it, and if it somehow ends up with no battery with me outside, I would not be getting back in my place without breaking the door if it didn’t default to open. You get a “battery low” chime a few days in…
I really like these.
Sadly, they don’t seem to be Hue compatible.
Oh and also my place doesn’t have a single 90° angle with vertical walls.
Still, very cool ^^
I really like these.
Sadly, they don’t seem to be Hue compatible.
Oh and also my place doesn’t have a single 90° angle…
Because that way if it hit hard they’re home, and not having to deal with the shame and embarassement of a public breakdown.
Having your bday at a restaurant with cake, candles, singing, and expecting other tables to clap and shit is fucking weird if you are not in a 100% made for kids restaurants. and it’s even weirder if you’re 20+.
I’ve seen both a few times, and just... No.
I was more suprised Jez ungreyed me at some point than when they decided to regrey me a few weeks ago, but they did it to you too ??
they’re fucking weird...
are you by any chance a non american semi-old ?
Because I’ve found out after living a few years there that americans love to do stuff in public that should never be done in public ^^
Like break ups. And proposals. and birthdays.
The only reason a breakup should happen in public is if the person is violent and dangerous.…
Jokes aside, I’d love that a lot more than being broken up with in fucking public.
Hell I’ve been dumped by text and I still liked that better than the idea of it happening in public ^^
Since you didn’t mentioned who was the person storming out, if one of your friend managed to both be the dumper AND the one storming off before the check arrived, I kinda wanna meet him. Terrible, terrible humans are often very interesting to have a talk with :D
Don’t ever watch a single episode of a korean show then ...
I did about a year ago and my suggestions still have not recovered ^^
Do it at the recipient’s home.
and then leave.
Stop doing couple shit in public. From breakup to proposal, do that shit in private.
Meh. The fake wedding thing is definitely a nightmare, I’ll give you that.
But eating cake is good. Eating someone’s face is good (especially when they look like... well, ...Either of them would do for me really ^^)
So why not do both ?
Food tastes great off of someone’s skin.
80k miles on 4 owners
early gen uglyass design and shape
20yr old german V8
Ahahah... lol no.
my bed is on the floor and I own my home...
Every single bedframe I’ve ever tried makes some sort of noise. They’re garbage.
Zero is everywhere my dude. And nowhere.
Hold out your hand right now. How many anal dildos are in the palm of your hand ?
Either my point is proven, or I’d like to talk to you more :D
I can’t talk for all of europe because it’s not a country with one set of values, but as for France, most of us don’t worry about sex scenes. It’s just sex.
But we still have some catholics, and they can still be very vocal, like all shitty minorities are. I’m assuming learning about the Mary dildo had a bunch of…