
Always retry something you don’t like every few years or so.

Took me
30 years to like oysters
28 years to like working out
33 years to love working out very regularly
20 years to learn to stop, do nothing and meditate

List goes on.

Say yes to things you don’t know, and always try things you don’t like again.


God damn it.
Appart from those uglyass wheels, it’s everything I’ve ever wanted.

Police chases kinda mostly just happens in the US.
Other countries seem to do fine with letting people run and catching them later with actual police work ^^

Not really tho. The trick for towing would be batteries in the thing you’re towing.
We’re one just a few trailer company execs realizing that away from it :)

Even your name is a lie now. John Walker... More like John Rocker. Shame !

ahah, that’s my trick too, my mom lives in the south of France and has half a dozen century+ old olive tree on her property that produces a few gallons of oil per year :)
I also use store bought when cooking sometimes because it has less flavor and can be useful, but most comes from my mom :)

I guess Chiking was not right there then ^^

Ch’king is still bad ^^

How do you pronunce that ? shking? 

because Chiking was right there and it’s better.

Yeah, that made no sense.
How is it motivated by greed when crypto miners run their rigs 24/7 and probably kill off their hardware at double the rate of the most hardcore gamers ?

They’re better customers.
It’s kinda PR-esque, but definitely not greedy. Being greedy would be making the exact opposite move, making cards

It’s not about mediating. It’s about absolute support toward israel.
If you were to cut all ties and stop, actually just do nothing and send thoughts and prayers instead of weapons, the problem would resolve itself reaaaaally fast. Because Israel would crumble.

The US is the N°1 reason this conflict is still going.

That is some slooowwwwww work...
I was expecting everything would have been found during the 4 years he was untouchable and was ready for right after the election...
At this rate he’ll keel over long before seeing the inside of a prison...

And also the mileage. Considering how poorly it was maintained, the amount it was used is fairly significant. it’s not because those can go up to a million that this one will ^^

Oil is amazing, there is no need to ever feel weird about using a ton of it ^^
I think I go through 5 liters a year (1.3 gal), and I live alone and only really cook one meal per day at home ^^

Cool article.
Missing the answer to the biggest question tho: if it didn’t destroyed your shit and you don’t need compensation or something, can you just keep the thing ? can you sell the thing ? 

I’d keep a bookmark on this article for the updated news that Edward died of cardiac arrest in about a month...

Holy hell...

For super powerful smells, cheeses obviously.
For really bad smell upclose which doesn’t take over your fridge, house, life, ... Andouille.
Which, it’s asstube, so it’s not surprising it smells like ass, but yeah it does ^^

The second sentence is fatphobic shit.
First one is very true tho.

Yeah it’s very surprising, those are awesome, and it looks fine.
Like others said, I’m guessing there is something really wrong inside the box, because why would you not take a few pictures of inside the box !!!??!?

Also not a fan of the convertible front part, but I live where rain comes from, it should be fine for

from the Amazon-owned platform.”
is kinda the key here.

I’m guessing her onlyfans where she does actual porn is where most of her actual money comes from ? why would you send her money on twitch for support when you can just spend it there for support and porn... So yeah, ads was probably her biggest source of revenue

ahah, I get that, but I’m in France, in the Years Before the Plague, handshaking and kissing to say hello was a thing at work, and it was considered rude not to.
That shit is over for me, forever ^^

And as for the mask being an issue for you, I get that, and considering your circumstances, that’s ok. But for me I got