I mean, I am in one of those places (for the sick days, not the mask) but you are contagious before being sick, so it’s less bad, but not perfect.
I mean, I am in one of those places (for the sick days, not the mask) but you are contagious before being sick, so it’s less bad, but not perfect.
I haven’t been sick in a year and a half.
Even after the vaccine, I’ll still have a mask on in crowds where social distancing isn’t possible, won’t shake a hand ever again, and will keep the rythm at which I’ve washed my hands.
It’s not just about Covid. I realized this year that I didn’t “catch cold” or “got the flu”.
I’d like the planet to still be here when my nieces and nephews are old.
That shit needs to be cubed.
Fiancé is a moron that trusts internet conspiracies (which, as a tech worker, is pathetic) over his own fiancée medical expertise (and pretty much the rest of the actual experts)...
Shut it down, now, when it’s still easy.
I’m not saying this is grounds for divorce, buuuut.
This is totally grounds for divorce.
“This media has been disabled in response to a report by the copyright owner.”
I’d argue it was the perfect song to use, considering they copyright claimed the video and it’s now offline.
Ahah, nice.
For authenticity’s sake, cloves aren’t really a thing in france. We smoke actual cigs. Very often handrolled ones, but the only french dude I’ve met in my life that smoked cloves picked it up after spending a year in the US. Those things are nasty ^^
lol, what the other dude said is full of bullshit.
Mayor isn’t doing that to get reelected, she’s been doing it ever since she was elected.
And I’ve taken the subway for 10 years without ever any issues.
Also, “my laptop and my client’s data”... Dude, there is this great new thing called “the cloud”. if you lose data…
It is definitely gonna be a huge pain to drive outside of the zone because of it.
Like, a massive pain. And it’s entirely by design. Nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody but professional drivers (deliveries, ...) and handicapped people (subway is really not great for people in chairs, only a handful of stations is…
“because its a popular british tourist destination” ?
Wut? No, it’s because english is the most spoken language in the world and we also like to travel places ^^. English is taught in school from age 11 to 18. Most french people can somewhat understand and make themselves understood in english, and every single service…
You’re not gonna need any french.
You can still use the Uber app in english. Which is the only way I truly foresee a Parisian letting a stranger in their car ^^
That... Would be better lol.
“and also in this old Orangette recipe”
Oh my god, for a second I thought you made orangette with fish sauce, until I hovered over and realized it was a website...
Orange chocolate candy with fish sauce sounded reaaaaaally weird ^^
Nothing to do with monarchy. The first amendment is widly considered to be bonkers crazy by tons of people in other developped countries.
It could seriously use a modern touch up.
Well, the entire constitution could definitely use that, but the first and second amendment... yeah lol, I’d start with those ^^
Those a freakin terrorist, for fucks sakes. The only place outta states they should be going is Guantanamo...
That is true. Unless you’re in the middle of a mansoon like france is in may, and opening windows is not a possibility.
Then you might all kill each others with the fumes and look like some sort of cult that mass suicided.
Which... Not such a bad way to go, dying from the consequences of being with good friends and…
“perhaps everyone can be a little bit Jewish on Shavuot”
Yeah, no, not this year.
Garlic breath does not win you friends.
That being said, who the hell cares about friends when you can be eating that thing in a corner like a food goblin.
I’m definitely trying this soon :)
thank you, very helpful...
I’m so glad you exist.
the 1988 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme that Hitler allegedly died in at least three different off-highway museums