
2 things: whenever you complain about a company doing a bad thing, just now that it’s because you as a country, let them.

Also, delivery companies aren’t profitable. None of them. Doordash managed to make a 23mil profit once in its existence during the height of the pandemic. On almost 3bil revenue. That’s laughably

God that article made me feel old...
Back when I played BW, Team Liquid were barely a thing, but they were definitely decent players, and very nice. I got my butt whooped by a few of them :)
Stayed far away from SC2 and its news and competitions because BW almost derailed my studies, but I’m glad to see they became such

Oh my god, they make you pay so maybe your delivery person can actually make a living ???

How incredibly rude of them !! making you pay for their work...

You could also pick it up yourself. That’s free.

I really can’t with people like you... 

All I can think about seeing this is the whole “trucks are safer” crap.
They’d have been fine in a Fiat 500 ^^

ahah, I get my eggs from a chicken farm where they actually go outdoors !
They are just way better than nightmare factory chicken eggs :)

Also, yes, we do like our cholesterol, yet our obesity and actual cholesterol related issues are way down compared to america. It makes you think...

I eat mayo on bread and I have 0

It’s probably just a touch of mustard (this is a google pic so I dunno for sure ^^)
But yeah when I make mine, I do add a bit of mustard, and actual dijon mustard is 2 days dehydration piss colored, so it tints the mayo quite a lot :)

Meh. I’ll give it a 5.
Some good points there, but no real punch. And that first part is kinda wrong. It’s not the government, it’s L’Académie Française. it’s an institution of fossilized writers dressed up in ridiculous costumes that give guidelines as to what french should be. And nobody really cares about any of

Oh hey, we agree on a thing !
On 2 things even, because Kombucha really is gross af ^^

I mean, I’ve never had an american do it any other way, so... yeah, surprise me ^^

Ahah, go right ahead, this should be fun.
I love my country getting roasted, I don’t have the weird missplaced pride most of you seem to have.

But if the only thing you can do like most of your historically uneducated countrymen is a 70 years past peremption surrender” joke... Yeah don’t bother.

There is a lot of “right” you can do with the will to do so, a solid team, and, well, googling shit up ^^

It’s ok, there would also be a bunch of half naked girls to ... Idk why they’d be there, but they would.

...You can only play online multiplayer.

I’m sure their coffee would do the trick ^^
If they’re true patriots, it can’t come from brown people, it has to be grown in america.

Whiiiich... Yeah, probably would be bad enough for a nice bathroom destruction. 

Sorry to hear that ^^
My new company doesn’t do stuff like that, but my old job would, and it was always pretty fun. I remember one “successful new website launch” party, where we all went to a creole restaurant, ate baller food with some good wine, and ended the lunch with our boss buying a couple bottles of

Ketchup on things other than fries.
Sugary sauce that should not have sugar. 

The URL says “Fake” royal title, while the article does not.

The URL is right.

1) Imagine the blandest mayo ever possibly made, with the crappest oil and battery chicken eggs.

2) Add a lot of sugar in it.


4) Vomit.

ahah, that is indeed very similar. Except for the miracle whip part. That garbage is not food and should not be consumed as food, or put into recipe for food.

But yeah, replace with actual mayo and that’s very similar to kebab white sauce ^^

Then you’ve never had actual mayo my friend. Come visit when the plague is over and try it out. It is amazing :)