And they’re all telling me I’m wrong lol.
It’s incredible.
And they’re all telling me I’m wrong lol.
It’s incredible.
Nope. It is mayo. It’s just that what you had your entire life, like most american, was not.
Come visit when the plague is over, and try the real one. It’s amazing.
Aaaaah, the Great American Expceptionalism...
Steal a recipe from a country. Bastardize it to the point it’ becomes almost universally hated, get told by someone that lives mere hours away from where it is from that the reason yours is not good is because you make it wrong, and doubling down on your wrongness telling…
No, this is an actual mayonnaise. The way it’s suppose to look like. From France. Or anywhere where people can actually make it at home, which is pretty easy, and have enough taste not to debase themselves into eating whatever sugary copyright infrigement y’all call mayo.
And I don’t think you’ll ever need to explain…
Owww, that website hates europeans, I can’t visit.
I wonder if it’s the same thing as “sauce blanche” (literrally “white sauce”) we get in kebab restaurants.
Sauce blanche is pretty good, it’s a mix of yogurt, milk, mayo and herbs/spices.
Kinda jizz like, and the source of lots of jokes for the kids whose stomach can…
Nah, there is “cheese boxes” that just keep the stench in.
That’s a solid lawyer lol.
As always, completely garbage stance on adult content from an american, but that’s been going on for decades, but still, very solid lawyering ^^
Do it, socialism is great !
Anybody with lifetimes worth of money should help others, not spend it on way overpriced garbage like this dude.
So make em.
And then you get to be completely exploited for a few years and dumped when you get too old ?
I will not judge anyone for liking K-pop, but I will definitely judge anybody supporting the industry.
Meh, I really enjoyed it.
The origin story part more than the current events one, but yeah. It got me to bed at 2am after binging it all in one day, which very rarely happens.
My mom paid for my older and younger sisters drivers licence (which is about a grand in France) and bought them their first cars.
She did not do any of that for me. Ended up getting both at 28 with some help from my dad.
Sooooo What she taught me about cars was that she didn’t care that much for me ?
Oh well, at least my…
Holy shit, that reason-abortion-should-be-legal was both a terrible human, and a really bad writer.
Oh yeah, I’m totally with you on Canada...
France doesn’t really have national parks in the north part, and the south is too hot. There is too many humans in too little space here. I don’t enjoy that ...
Gimme a cabin in the middle of nowhere, some satellite internet, solar panels, and enough land to grow and hunt and…
Not really mine per se, but my stepdad sold his 2001(ish, don’t remember exactly ^^) 5 door, manual, diesel mistubishi Pajero/Montero, and my mom sold her electric blue 2 door Rav4 (also manual/diesel) of the same era at the same time. Like a year before I could get my licence and steal one or the other. They moved…
I mean, I’m 5'8" for 120lbs and I could do that pretty easily.
There is those things called guns ?
He’s publicly said before that he doesn’t need an AR-15 to feel manly. Meaning he probably only own handguns. take something that can outrange that (and any charges for hand to hand, because fuck that dude’s huge ^^) and…
(As I have learned the hard way, the sting of plant death hurts more when you’ve spent a small fortune trying to keep them alive.)
Dear lord I feel this deeply. Everything I plant always grows, I’m really good at this, so I confidently dropped like 250€ a couple years ago for plants for the little clearing in my…
Trying out a novelty drink in complete darkness... I’ll definitely pass.
I’m down to try anything but I wanna see what I’m putting inside my body ^^
I mean, sure, it’s a nice car in good shape, but dear lord is it ugly... And not the fun kind of ugly either. That rear bumper is just a crime against... idk, everything ?
Ordering off menu is so much of an ass move.
The only time I ever eat off menu is at my dad’s best friend restaurant when the chef himself makes new things on slow days and use my dad and I as guiney pigs before deciding if it’s gonna go on the menu or not...