
What happens if an Aurus Gibson LMP2 wins overall at Le Mans this year? Will anyone care?

That’d be awesome ? Big upsets makes Le Mans incredible :) Cars dying in the last hour, cars flying off into tree, ... That’s what makes it cool. If you want perfect and predictable things, just watch F1.

I’m not gonna go this

Just FYI, you can find commission painters anywhere that’ll do that or greater, and will probably cost a lot less. That’s just large scale mini painting, there is thousands and thousands of solid mini painters all around the world.

Hell, if you’re in France like your name suggest, I can probably do it ^^
Never worked

That is a shit trend lol, Aioli is good with like, 5 things ^^

I’d say no, but you’re going a bit extreme. a riding lawnmower isn’t really a scaled down truck. A car with a trailer is closer, and would give you some good insight.

I honestly can’t say how useful it is because I haven’t tried and I don’t really do boats, but my small experience tells me there definitely is something

I’m gonna go all contrarian on you this time: Store-bought mayo and aioli are both fine, and upcycling mayo into aioli is also fine...If you happen to be store buying in France, close to one of the few seafood hubs we have.

Best mayo and aioli I’ve ever had were store bought in Cap Ferret, and they kicked the ass of

I... Honestly thought he died a while back lol.
He’s probably drinking virgin blood to stay alive nowadays ^^

That works too, no trash, easy to clean, efficient... I like the idea. I do tea in a thing that probably look the same :)

But it wouldn’t really work for hot brew unless you’re really patient. I take mine when I go winter camping, I just put the coffee in it, and boil water on a fire when I wake up. And when it’s sub

Real mayo is amazing. If you ever find yourself in France, please try it.
It’s night and day different from the crap you can find in most other countries, and doubly so when it comes to the sugary copyright infrigement crap sold in the US.

“mayonnaise” and “aioli” have become virtually interchangeable on restaurant menus

The fuck ? I’d be sending it back if I ordered one and got the other, they’re completely different sauces. Aioli is super overpowering, it doesn’t go with a lot of things, and it’s definitely not ok to eat if you don’t have access to a

I’ve tried tons of fancy coffee gadgets and machines, and I always go back to a crappo 15€ french press.
It’s better for...everything. Making, cleaning, using on camping trips, ... and cold brew.

Chemexes do look cool, and would compliment the decor of my kitchen nicely, buuut it’s expensive, you need filters, and

This is nice. I should try something in a big scale like this, I’m used to much smaller and more detailed, but those big figures with little details are probably a lot easier to deal with, and easier to try new techniques thanks to the larger and flatter areas...

definitely with you on this. Haven’t been ill for more than a year, versus the 2x a year minimum up until now.

I’m never shaking hands with coworkers again, and I’ll definitely keep a mask with me at all times, and on me if I gotta be closer than safe distance to others.

How much of a shit do I have to give about the latter group? They can give each other all the viruses and the mutated strains.

Until one of the mutated version resist the current vaccines, and we’re right back in the begining. There is a definitely non negligeable chance those people will kill us all. They need to be

People like him are so weird to me...
They’re so afraid of what people think of them, which is so NOT “manly” in the way they themselves describe it.

Plus it doesn’t mean jack shit, I have lots of tattoos, I have hunting guns for actual hunting, I go sleep in the forest and cook meat on fires most weekends, I like beer

That’s not the only training they get I assume (and hope ^^).
You can learn to deal with all the things that don’t downscale right out in the middle of nowhere on a real boat. This place seem to train you as to what to do in busy and small places with a giant boat.

The same way training on a simulator for driving will

Ooooh, I haven’t made drunken pasta in a while, and I got given a not really great bottle of red at work today, this is perfect, thanks for the idea !

Also, Obama and Bill Gates. It’s never not them.

Never, ever, eveeeeer do coke at a bar.
Rookie mistake. Or incredibly rich person hobby. Either one of those ^^.

Any Byob event, not so concerned with booze rave party you can sneak stuff in, or at someone’s place where alcohol is store bought.
But yeah, a club or bar ? fuuuuck no, that’s a recipe for a really shitty few

They’re ballsy.
I’d have waited a couple weeks for the weirdo “Biden wants to take the beef away” bullshit right wing nutjob conspiracy to blow over.
But hey, good for them. and for all of us.
May they weather the shitstorm that is coming their way without too many death threats from people that have way too much

Tabasco is great if you use it for what it’s meant.
giving a lil bit of heat to something. It has little flavor, because it’s not meant to.
It’s the only hot sauce I ever use, because I never use just that.
Very flavorful hot sauce are great, but like, once in a while. Otherwise all your food end up being the same. And