
as far as I know, you pay for NFTs mostly in coins. Which are already clean. Soooo, not really no.

Reading all the comments, I’m getting inspired to create recipes lol.
If we all got together, we could make something amazing with all those leftover stuff ^^

and coke is really nice, it just got a really bad image, but it’s a lot more subtle and enjoyable than what most people think. You just gotta pace yourself, take half what the dealer tells you is good, and not make it a habit.

You don’t have to tell me. I met quite a few people in the US that started doing ecstazy and coke at 13 because it was the easiest rebellious party thing to get your hands on. Meanwhile, at 13 I was buying one can of beer on my own and it got me going all night back then...

your drinking laws are... not great ^^

Oh my god, y’all remade that ?
I need to find out about it !
This looks dumb as shit. Whyyy ?

Even the Upside was a lot worst than the original, and they managed to get Hart to not scream all the time, and Cranston was decent.

I... Don’t think I’ve ever done it any other way lol.
Crème fraîche + seasoning salt + store bought pasta sauce has always been my go to.

Cocaine makes it so that you can drink an incredible amount of booze, feel the effects, but stay upright and somewhat coherent. It’s ... idk, I wanna say nice ? but also kinda wasteful ?
I’d probably not do it again. Last time I did coke, I ended up spring cleaning my appartment alone, so I figure I’m too old for this

Seinfeld wasn’t really a thing in France, hence the puzzlement ^^

From what I’ve seen here, I’d say 60% don’t like em, and 99.9% agree that like em or not, they do not add value to the car.

I’d pay extra to get the pizza delivered.
One block further so the delivery person would not see that truck. And then I’d walk the rest of the way.

For the first time ever, I came back to vote twice.
Because one Hell no was not enough.

It’s not just money. It’s regulations. If y’all decided it would be legally unacceptable to feed your children (future of the country, apple of your eyes, high octane crap, schools would not do that.

while you are sorta right on paper (the big reason behind the “sorta” is regulations on what is ok to put in food), have you actually had both to compare ?
I have. You’re wrong ^^.

It’s been 75 years.
You freedom fries idiots need to come up with something new.
Like, our president is married to his middle school teacher for fucks sakes, use that ! you gotta stay fresh, your “favorite insult” was coined by your great grandpa. Be better.

The cassoulet is pretty good yeah ^^
I get MREs for hiking and While america is a better place for hiking, french has the better MREs for sure ^^

flavored mayo and actual cheese.

they are A flavor. Well, 2.

There are others.

It is food, it’s just not cooking ^^
But it is informative and entertaining, I camp and hike a lot, and MREs are a good option. The 24h french box ones are great :)

Oh, I’m definitely gonna check Aaron and Claire. Also, lol, Aaron and claire from Seoul, Korea, sure guys ^^
As someone with a name that even after 2 years my american girlfriend couldn’t pronunce right, I get it, but damn, stop pandering to american lazyness ^^

That’s not really cooking tho, but it is enjoyable ^^