Didn’t we all do that ?
BUT, and it’s a big one, we checked it was empty, AND we didn’t invite grandma Lois to share in our criminal activities.
Didn’t we all do that ?
BUT, and it’s a big one, we checked it was empty, AND we didn’t invite grandma Lois to share in our criminal activities.
(Following comment applies to Disneyland Paris, idk about you guys’s parks ^^)
Depending on a lot of factors, it can be really cheap.
If you live close to the park and don’t need to stay in a hotel, and if you get tickets through your company commite (that miiight be justa french thing, idk ^^) you can spend the day…
Also, Disney on LSD is incredible. Disney on LSD with kids is probably a crime.
I’m with you on this, Disney is garbage when you gotta accomodate children.
The only reason I don’t go there more often (I used to live really close to the Paris one) is because I hate people, and it’s really hard to get the park to yourself. Not impossible, you either need to get tickets to parties that happen there…
I don’t remember ever having a bad time watching a Vin Diesel movie. Even the really bad ones. Bring it on, I’ll be there :)
The little text under the horses says “the 4 horses are comfortable”
it’s a terrible pun drawing, the car is a Renault 4CV, CV being short for “chevaux”, or horses :)
So, a random idiot said stupid shit.
Cool cool cool.
Slow news days today ?
If his only objective was to drop weight, then sure.
But I can assure you that what you said is really not the case. Size isn’t the only important thing when it comes to muscles.
biking or rowing tend to lead to less injuries and doesn’t do as much damage to your body long term :)
I wanna say “well, duh, he levels cities with one punch ^^”
The workout is pretty good to drop some weight and makes you good at handling your own weight. like doing one handed pull ups and stuff like that. I won’t make you into a nuclear weapon equivalent ^^
“Hope”, not “think”, I’m waiting on trailers and shit before getting fully optimistic. I just loved the comics so much ^^
I mean, there is always half bottles, but I pretend they don’t exist so I can keep using the same excuse :D
You know you’ve been raised by a bunch of french alcoholics when your champagne habits went way up during the pandemic because you have no issue drinking it alone when you go camping in the forest to get away from people...
Oh well ^^
It’s supposed to be based on what is perhaps the greatest comic series of the last decade. It’s mostly him coming back from avenging all hurt and tired and having to deal with mondane crap like ridiculous russian gangsters trying to mess with people in his appartment building, ... Also there is a super cool dog…
I mean, Jesus was a raging socialist, he’d condemn any and everything these people say, do, and are.
They just don’t give a shit ^^
I mean, car design kiiiinda peaked in the late 60s early 70s. There is a hell of a lot wrong with those cars, but looks... they got that right ^^
And then cocaine happened and we’re still recovering from its ravages ^^
I love the look so, soooo much, but the weakass engine and no manual makes the price a big nope...
Maybe a cheaper one with a dead engine to do an EV conversion, that’d be really nice :)
Every time someone asks me why is Air France so expensive, I tell them to look at the things included with the ticket.
I did Paris-NY and back with them when I was 21 (I was not paying lol, I was with my grandma), in peasant class, so not even 1st or business or whatever, and we downed about 2 bottles of champagne…
family sized box of pockys and half a bottle of wine for dinner last night... I did not sleep well lol ^^
Oh well ... :)
Free refill champagne on a Paris-NY flight on Air France.
Most definitely the best airplane meal.