
I mean, he’s right. When everybody that think the beatles are better are dead, the world will be a different place. Couple decades left, probably ^^

It’s great, means festival season will begin soon too !
Yay, good news all around !

Seriously tho... Y’all need to unfuck your shit, there is way too many americans I know and love to not care about how they could just be snaped away like nothing...

The fact that this is not even exagerated is pretty sad.
I love a lot of thing about korean culture, but I’ve always stayed away from k-pop. I really like cute korean boys and girls, but yeah the music is not great, and the idea of supporting the industry is even worst.

You eat 3 steaks royal cheeses ?
doesn’t the third throw the ratio off and makes it so that you can actually taste the shoe leather meat ?
the Royals are not part of the core menu here (and actually came back last year after years and yearsof not being around) and you can’t get them modified so all I got for reference

ahah, damn, at least my parents diluted the booze with lemon and honey.
Straight cognac sounds like it’d hurt.

Do you have like, a sexy gravely low voice now ?

I still do that today ^^
Idk how much it really helps with the sickness, but it helps a lot with the being awake. Skipping forward in time is the best medecine ^^

Nah, mallory would’ve at least left him a bottle of gin ^^

She refused to pay for college, and refused to give me any money for the 2 years it lasted (my visa didn’t let me work).
And I’m not mistaken when I say “refused” and not “couldn’t”.

I had to eat my entire lifesavings and get into a bit of debt (not too crazy compared to you guys, a good private college here is about

There is a word for what you’re doing right now.
I think it’sdisingenuous”. Or maybe “idiot”. Not really sure, but pretty sure it’s the first one.
In any case, not into continuing this conversation, it’s pointless and the near future will speak for itself ^^

When I spent 2 years in the US for school, I had my mom send me care packages from france. It couldn’t be bread because it wouldn’t keep, but yeah, she sent so many cool stuff that it helped a lot surviving the local stuff. Home food is always important :)

Season it ? Then you can put less oil and it won’t try to burn you ^^
I’ve never needed to do that, but I only have enameled pots so sticking has never been an issue, and my pans are all normal seasoned cast iron.
But yeah you can season enameled stuff too, start by doing that :)

Yes. And there was rioting when they release a sauce based on an adult animated show.

Your comment should be true. I wish it was. It really, really, really is not.

Again, juuuuust wait for what’s gonna happen when this gets out.
Or read articles about the rick and morty sauce.

Hell, people killed each others over a chicken sandwich recently.

I wished we lived in a world where you’re right, this is dumb, it won’t sell more, because there is no reason it should.
I know we’ve been

When they don’t do that, it’s because they can’t. Copyright is a thing you now.
They are not idiots.

Remember what you just said when the riot starts when this comes out :D

But yeah your comment basically just said “marketing is dumb and doesn’t work”. Which, yeah, to the first part, and LOOOOOL omg, no... to the second.

I’m pretty sure the entire concept is to make a “special meal” out of what the artist (plural in this case, so idk) themselves order at mcdo.

So they don’t have to create another burger or anything, just packaging. It’s lazy as it can be, and works really really well.

have you tried reversing the polarity ?

I didn’t knew we were that good at cornichons lol, I just thought they were more common here than elsewhere, but that’s it. Yay France ^^

If you like shroom brie, and if you can find it, truffle brie is just... incredible.

And no hangover with a bottle of mousseux is either a giant stroke of luck, or the signs of the

I mean, it’s a fairly valid massage technique. Definitely not if done by a 450lbs lady in heels, but yeah ^^ 

I mean.. Trayvon was soooooo many murders ago. Maybe at some point he actually opened his eyes ?