Actual bread is good for half a day and you store it in your belly. But cool I guess ^^
Actual bread is good for half a day and you store it in your belly. But cool I guess ^^
I can fit a full bike without removing wheel in my freakin Opel Adam.
Sorry but this thing is just dumb.
Fun fact: in French, “thousand” is “mille”, and even us don’t M for thousands ^^. We use K (for kilo). M is million.
Ok, I’m gonna spell it out for you because you really are not getting the point:
This. Is. Not. A. Motorcycle.
This is half a moped, and half a fashion accessory.
Dear lord, who cares about the life of a rich weirdo stalker gay virgin ?
Fuck, I just read my own sentence, there is definitely way too many people that care about that.
I love it so much, but hell no lol.
there is definitely a scene with a ramshackle makeshift spacecraft looking thing and spacesuits launching from a plane in that trailer...
Sooooo maybe we won’t have to wait for F10 ? :D
From most reviews, the food is garbage. It’s just a diner show type deal, except the show is also garbage.
On any corporate ladder, a vice president is below a chief brand officer
That’s wildly inacurate lol.
a title doesn’t make a job. I’m CTO of a company and I’m the least paid executive of said company, well below the regional sales managers. And it’s entirely normal when you compare our jobs and importance to said…
Because y’all decided loooooong ago that this was perfectly fine and normal.
Increased world grid resolution ??
Why ? have you ever build something in the game ? that would make it way more tedious ^^
And as for vehicle ... I mean, why not, but they wouldn’t add too much if it’s just to transport yourself, and if you were thinking moving structures, you’d need to rethink the entire game, and…
The bee update kiiiiinda completely changed what you can do with redstone, so it probably had to be extensively tested. the actual meat of this update was the honey block, not really the bees themselves.
There is a Jude Law movie from the early 00s called Alfie. I strongly recommend you watch it. It miiiiiight have aged a bit badly like most male centered 00s romcoms, haven’t seen it in a while, but at the core of it it’s still one of the best description of “european masculinity” I’ve stumbled upon.
power ? rider engagement ? the fuck ?
I just pictured you in full bike armor on a Vespa and this is hilarious ^^
I don’t think you get the point of what a Vespa is ^^
Also, the other “small” 2-wheeler you mention needs a license. A vespa does not. And getting a licence in europe is a multiple months of work commitment and…
Holy crap, random brother appearing, dumb as rocks plot that’s already way too much “family” crap...
Yeah I can’t wait, it’s gonna be amazing ^^
They are in europe. They ooze confidence, and the fact that you are very comfortable with the size of your dick.
Y’all “bigger is better” philosophy is just... tiring.
So, a Twizzy or an Ami ?
Because yeah, we have those. Get into one. ^^
Why people need to hand in a car to get access to e-bike money, I do not know.
Because it’s the entire point ? Have you ever met people ? if you give everybody a free e-bike, how many will still use their car for most things the bike could do ? or jsut stop using the bike after a couple month when the weather…
Seriously, why do people get married...
The husband is out of his prized collection.
The wife is probably gonna get arrested.
They’re now looking at months if not years of legal battle for the divorce...
Just, fucking why do people keep trapping themselves in this dumb situation?
Just be together, and break up when you…
lol, what a shit move ^^
Even if he did tip, that’s just a really bad choice of PR moves.
That being said, I had forgotten about him, and about how good Yeah! was.
And now I’m scared to listen to it because it’s from before I learned english, and I’m kiiiinda worried the lyrics are so garbage it’ll ruin it for me...