
I mean, let’s play devil’s advocate and say there is a reason not to charge her with homicide (there isn’t, it is a homicide, negligent at the very least, but let’s pretend...)

She still made a giant mistake (she probably didn’t tho, come the fuck on, but again, let’s pretend ...) that resulted in the death of an

In some instances, it’s not intentional.
The best exemple of that is Ark. The entire reason there is poop in Ark was to provide players with a funny way to kill themselves if they ended up clipping into a place where you couldn’t get out of. Which, during the early days of the game, happened often. Running out of food

It’d be fantastic !
That’s never gonna happen tho.
Between the fact that they’re second/third tier characters from a franchise where the first tier ones don’t have games and the stupid gaming execs that all think the only market for videogames is white incels... Yeah, nah.
And considering the track record of comics based

I mean, sure, but for that you kinda gotta actually prosecute the crimes...
Having them out and public, and letting them do their thing is bad in both ways. They get to grow from having a public voice, and get away with the crimes.

As long as you don’t actually put them in prison, it’s better they feel the need to hide.

meth bacon sounds terrible.
Medical-opiod-addict bacon tho, now that’s something I’d be into ^^
Florida is full of olds tho. Instinctively, if I was gonna eat human, I’d probably go with a kid. Like, 15-20, with a weed habit for extra smoky bacon ^^

If cheese was that unhealthy, I’d be long dead already ^^
you just need to monitor your intake, and be somewhat active, like with pretty much every food out there :)

Thank you, this is the correct comment ^^

Nah, the issue is not the metal, it’s the shape.
This would work a hell of a lot better if instead of being shaped like a top, it was curved the opposite way giving it an almost bowl shape, and had an horizontal handle instead of a vertical one.

I mean, I totally agree since andouille is my favorite meat product, but you know what it is right ? It tends to be ... polarizing ^^

Oh damn that sounds incredible, I gotta try this.
I have everything needed home already. I’ll check during lunchtime and try it out tonight :)

This looks and sounds like they substituted a tortilla and grilled it.

it isn’t ^^
It looks like one, but that’s pretty much all there is ^^

Oh, I hope it’s me !
Here I am, and I’m about to disappoint the hell out of you. Those things aren’t great. I didn’t knew they were “invented” in France tho, considering they’re always made in kebab restaurants, since it’s the same thing.

Anyways, the fact they’re using the name tacos is annoying. And mexican food is

It really isn’t tho.
It’s a kebab with different bread. It has very little in common with a burritto, california or otherwise, except the tortilla, and the cream.

It’s not mexican, it’s just a kebab with a different “bread”.
It’s not bad per se, if you find a place with good quality meat (which is the hardest part) it can be pretty good. But mexican, it is not.

It sounds amazing.

It is not.
The concept is kinda ok, the issue is the execution. Those are traditionally made by kebab restaurant, which are pretty much the “fastest food” you can get in here. 95% are very cheap, very low quality places.
Basically it’d be a lot better if it was a lot less cheap. Unless you have a 20yr

The spare bedroom is strange, as it’s accessed either through the outside basement bay hatches or though a hatch in the RV’s floor that’s normally covered by a chair.

I mean, it’s totally an illegal nanny room. Which ... is really not that strange considering how tacky as fuck that thing is.

You know, I’m against the death penalty, but I feel people that eat kiwis unpeeled should be removed from the genepool in a way.

Maybe we give them an island like australia before, where they can’t hurt anyone and we can keep an eye on all of them ?

Like, nobody is gonna come test your blood or some shit. You’re the only judge of what you are doing.
If they don’t feel like doing it for real, they can also, you know, straight up cheat and order a pint of coffee with a side of bacon in broad day light if they want to.

The entire point is to deprive yourself, not

You can pretty much buy any secondhand weapon with cash without any background done on you. look up “gun show loophole” it even has a wikipedia entry lol.
America is weird af ^^