
Which is fucking bullshit considering the Punisher has never condoned any of that...

Sincerly, a supremely pissed off punisher fan with a quite visible punisher tattoo that really hates the idiots that stole the symbol’s actual meaning and my ability to wear shorts in the US. Which, not planning on doing that anytime

I mean, it’s a real shortage, not speculation fuckery or something like that. Everybody is having issues with it. All over the world.

Thank you for pointing it out lol, I was so proud of myself writing that :D

Which is kinda dumb since they both contractually can’t lose a fight (which, fuckin lol, how small are their dicks really...), Diesel would look really good fighting a towering rock to a standstill.

Oh, then yes, absolutely.
And WW... idk it was great when I saw it, but how much of it is the comparison to the other garbo that they made at the time ?

Like, was it really awesome, or was it that first breath of fresh air after Andy Dufresne crawled out of the poop tube ? I’m sure that was the best inhale of his life,

They waited for Snyder’s cut numbers before considering dumping money into other DC movies. I’m guessing the numbers are not good enough. And the Darkseid shit is just an excuse.

I am.
I sub to D+ about a month per year. When F&WS is done, I’m gonna sub and watch mandoS2, Wandavision and F&WS. Miiiight wait on Loki too, idk yet. Or sub twice, we’ll see.
But yeah D+ doesn’t ahve enough stuff to justify continuous sub for me.

that’s because it ain’t the real reason. They’re scrapping those project because the snyder cut didn’t perform nearly as well as they wanted.

This is just a bullshit excuse.
The Snyder cut performed a lot poorer than they wanted, so they’re scrapping every borderline project they still had not really started to invest heavily on.

Sucks for New Gods, but I’m not really surprised. As for the Trench, fuckin lol I can’t believe it took this long.

You’re fine as long as you don’t get too close to the ship. There is radiation, you need a special suit :)
And I’ve played that game multiple times during its development, and you really don’t need a map, don’t worry, just try to have beacons at the ready for if/when you find cool stuff. 

I mean, the dark knight would still be better, but that’s just me being a big pedantic ass :p Arrowverse was fun (except flash, it was infuriating, Barry is too much of a moron and there is too much speed people and time travel ^^) but yeah, Crisis was awesome and it would’ve been a close second to TDK as a movie for

I mean, sure it derailed DC. We had what, 4-5 bad movies because idiots tried to recreate the magic of TDK without its key ingredient (since, you know, he was dead ^^).

I would’ve been ok if they tried 10 times more but we get to still have TDK. Mostly because I just gave up on DC a while ago lol, and because Marvel’s

10 year old used AMG biturbo V8 ? No thank you, I’m masochistic in the bedroom, not the garage ^^

idk, water ?
I’ve never driven more than 5 hours in one trip lol, I don’t really drive&snack ^^

Can we start a class action right away since it’s neither free nor rain ?
I ran out of redbull money.

“Look guys, a 60k$ mid engine corvette sportscar!” is the answer to your questions.
They made a cheap car, and incredibly enough, it’s cheap ^^

I paid for a super cheap sports car and I got a.. super cheap sports car.”

Lol, guess quality control and inspections are one of the corners they cut. That’s... bold. And dangerous.

Thank you !
I’ll call something full self driving when I can be alone in it, scream “Take me home bitch” pass out blacked out drunk, and wake up in my garage.

This comment is very relevant to the issue with all of this.
in my country, Aerosmith is been gone from the cool classics station for a while now. Only place you can sometimes get a song from them is a station called “Nostalgia”. It is the elephant cemetary of radio stations.

There is a vast array of cool stuff to

Holy shit, the accuracy !
Also, incendently, probably the last time I was subjected to them was in that ride. And I’d totally forgotten it was them.