super long, super boring to watch, and actually dangerous to watch if you’re high, drunk, sleeping, or not paying attention...
Why is baseball a thing for you guys again ? ^^
super long, super boring to watch, and actually dangerous to watch if you’re high, drunk, sleeping, or not paying attention...
Why is baseball a thing for you guys again ? ^^
A not-working hack for solving a non-problem.
Mind blown... /s
Just put your shit correctly in your dishwasher and no water will ever pull anywhere.
Also, open it when it’s done and wait a bit before emptying it, and the humidity that’s left will just evaporate...
ahah, yeah, Paris is garbage. Come to the country. I’m from Le Mans, and setting aside all the cool race stuff, it’s a really nice place. It’s small and human sized, with lots of history, a great medieval city that wasn’t carpet bombed in WW2, and the country around is super nice, with lost of old forests and cool…
This is the correct answer ^^
You... You don’t really drive stick do you ?
6 or 12 and stick, always and forever.
He doesn’t fit inside and is selling it for half a mil. It makes perfect sense.
And doing it now also does, he’s pretty much retired or retiring from everything, including his own stuff. His cars will probably just lose value with time as his name loses recognition.
Hi, hello, functionning ex drug user here. I’m happy, educated, employed, stopped on my own without efforts, I just simply outgrew it. I don’t self medicate for anything because universal healthcare, why would I ? I never felt like my time doing drugs did any harm to neither my body nor my mind, never really had comedo…
Ex drug user here. Did pretty much everything I could get my hands on for about 3 years. With very little limitations (no needles, no meth.) and without any restraints (weekdays, weekends, whatever).
Then I finished school, found a job, and stopped. It was painless, I didn’t even really think about it, I just found…
tastes change. I started being into men too in my 30s. I don’t know if it’s anyone, and considering some of the old farts I know, it definitely isn’t, but for some people, age can help seeing through the bullshit conditioning and toxicity you were raised into. 20yr old me wouldn’t even think of it. 30 yr old me, yup…
People that get jealous from just looks don’t tend to go the distance imo ^^
My best ever relationship was with a bi girl (being a lil bit bi myself).
We would both oggle everything and compare notes afterward, it was nice ^^
How do you call the jealousy offspring when you simultaneously wanna be with someone, and be that someone ?
Because I has it for axe boi, bad ^^
I mean, maybe, but also, chopping wood is a nice workout, and if I could live by filming myself doing it for a few minutes every day... I fuckin would. And I really don’t give a shit about what people think of me, and I’m very happy with the state of my masculinity.
I’m nowhere near as hot as he is tho, and I can only…
I didn’t know there was no meaning attached to in for you guys. Cool, I like learning things.
Also, I fucking miss portugal, you have a great country, and while I didn’t really enjoyed Lisbon (too much like Paris, but hotter... No thank you ^^)
Porto is still the most beautiful city I’ve been to, and I’ve been to quite…
I’m pretty sure being lead by dictators, having a revolution, ...kinda actually forced them to leave it unchanged and prioritize other things ?
That was my point about the political climate.
Also, all those things can be blamed on colonialism. To me at least, the effects only really stopped after 2013 when egyptians…
“this is entertainment, I obviously didn’t mean it seriously”
Using the Fucker Carlson excuse ? really ?
You don’t read the article, comment something wrong, and then defend that behavior with the insurectionist favored excuse ?
get a mirror. Look at it for a while.
ahah, for me it was the simultaneous “Oh My Goooood” from 200 week old players when I fleetwarped them into what was until recently the biggest battle ever ^^
and then the 12h of teaching them crap about the game while servers could barely register an action per minute. Good Times.
Eve is great. I’m sad I can’t seem to…
Just... Shoot ‘em. Eating crow is good for the ego, it can’t hurt ^^
Me neither. I care about misinformation. it’s been doing quite a lot of damage lately.
fentanyl and meth aren’t just pot.
He was still murdered, not a single question about that, but yeah maybe he’d have lived a minute longer if not for the drugs. He would’ve still killed him tho. He was waiting for him to die, that’s what all those minutes were about. So the drugs crap is irrelevant.
But yeah, not pot,…