When I moved to california, so many people told me that I had to try in N out, omg it’s the best you don’t even know, it’ll change your life, you’ll shit rainbows !
I did try.
The only thing it was the best at was being the most overhyped chain out there. It was still garbage through and through.
I mean, Tarrio is brown. That’s quite noteworthy for a white supremacist group ^^
There has not been a lot of those in history...
Oh you might be right. He is of portuguese descent, his great grandpa was a politician that ended up exiled in france. And great grandpa didn’t have the “de” in his name, I don’t know when it appeared, but I don’t think we’ve noblified anybody in quite a few years, so yeah, idk ^^
I know right ?
Religion is nonsense, but the old testament is some primo fantasy stories ^^
the point of this car is class
Is that sarcasm ? God I hope it is.
The point of this car is to swindle idiots out of 50 grand. It looks ridiculous, and it doesn’t perform ridiculous. Those specs are normal smart spec, all they did was make this thing look idiotic...
Back up cams are mandatory for you guys ?
Why ?
Like, they’re useful, but mandatory ?
They are more blasphemous.
But you’re asking religious people to both be rational, and actually know their religion stupid lore. They do not, on both accounts.
One of the Daft Punk dude is a prime candidate too: guy-manuel de homem-christo. He doesn’t have the something1 name, but the important part is the “de something2".
Well, “important” is a bit of a stretch nowadays, but yeah ^^
Meh, I get time-displaced crushes all the time. I’ve been in love with Audrey Hepburn for a solid decade.
Ahah, as I said, the only few with multiple family names are nobility descendant, of the nobles that ran fast :D
Cute side smile, coolass tractor, and pasta.
I may be a lil bit in love there...
The both parents name is a spanish thing, not french, and the multiple second names in France, while it’s a thing that happens, is not a thing that is used.
Unless you hang out with descendant of nobles that hid really well back in the day and saved their heads. Which... Don’t do that.
Except from on your ID, second…
Sarko isn’t “jailed” yet.
He was sentenced to a year +2 suspended years, but there is an appeal before his ass ends up in prison for good.
Oh I said “weed”, but yours is better.
And both are even better.
Give them weed and condoms and look the other way. Solid parenting.
Not being judgmental about the red eyes.
Not saying a thing when you see them obviously sneak out like ninjas to go smoke one.
Pretty much.
Me a a week-ish ago when she said she was single after her man cheated: “Quavo dude, why on earth would you cheat on her, she is amazing!”
Me now: “So that’s why. I’m good with that, carry on, she is a monster, she should die alone”.
I mean, he had 4 kids with her.
1 is a “I stuck my dick in crazy and lost the lottery”
4 is knowingly and repeatedly doing it on purpose. I’m guessing he has some serious issues too.
Africa makes great coffee. I’m all good on this side of the planet ^^
I do love Brazilian tho, so I’ll make some reserve :)
long lines tend to happen in densely populated areas. Densely populated areas tend to vote democrats. Therefore it’s helping democrats, so it’s a crime.
Oh and also, your entire law system is garbage for letting this type of thing even be possible.