
ahah, yeah ^^
Then you can join us french fries on the complete other side of the spectrum. I work for my dad’s company and I’m in a union :D
(ish ^^, we have different kinds, and the company level kind is mandatory and financed by the company, but still it counts ^^)

I mean... Kinda yes, just america. We’ve been waiting for you from the other side of that issue for decades ^^

I mean, sure, it already handles your fat ass HEYOOO :D
Sorry, friday afternoon, 2h from a very needed weekend ^^

Oooooh, chai, nice, never thought of trying that, and I make clafouti often, and chai tea... Well, way less often since I like mine with opium, but I have some at home ^^
I need to try that. I also can’t wait for my sour cherry tree to start pooping out cherries this season, because clafoutis are a lot better with

Isn’t the entire point of the C8 to be on the cheaper end of high end ?
At 90k, there has to be way better options than this.

Good, since we’re lagging like hell on vaccines, it means I still have a few weeks/months before I have to adress my nascent booze issues. Yay !

Thank you !
Wood ain’t the issue. You could easily make a wood crane that lifted the entire car.
The issue is that piss poor design with no bracing.
Some dude is gonna lean on it to rest a second, and the whole thing is gonna collapse... It miiiiiight be able to take perfectly vertical forces depending on what’s under

the tip part looks like it actually was a penis and somebody just veto’d it at the last minute, so they added a few teeth and the weird tip just before the asset had to be saved and pushed into the game or something.

I’ve never tried those as well, because who the fuck would choose highly transformed crap over the actual thing ?

Get. The. Plant.
Like god fuckin intended ! y’all believe in that nonsense, why would you go against His Will ????

Lol, jokes aside, seriously... Pills and oils... just... no.

+1 on the overdue part, it’s full on illegal still here in France.

But who told you CBD alone does nothing ?? That person is very, very, very wrong. I’ve been smoking weed for 20 years now, and switched to almost only cbd plants (I still smoke actual weed on weekends and vacation and stuff :) ) and it does not do

This I can only say of my country, your laws and tests might be different, but CBD doesn’t show up on drug tests here, and there is CBD only plants.
They have very small traces of THC but they clear out your system in a couple hours.

And sorry about your job dumb rules. Pretty glad I don’t have to deal with that anymore.

I’m with you on this. Her current position seems a hell of a lot more comfortable than her previous one. I like the music, but honestly, the thing I’m waiting on her a hell of a lot more is sexy undies for dudes. 

Nobody is falling for their bullshit. Everybody knows clearly what they are doing.
That said, it might be time for y’all to sit down and shut up, and actually clean your house. Have other people do the talking. Because you’ll just keep getting that kind of response, and nothing will change anywhere.

The msot heartbreaking about this story is just to think about how many of y’all americans have similar ones...
Please do something, there is a lot of you guys that I really like and wouldn’t want to have to miss...

next time, just try a big fat joint in your bathtub.
Hell of a lot more effective than creams and shit.
Honestly if it’s not plant, concentrate, or pills, the effects will always be minuscule.

You actually have the jacket ?
I need to upgrade my game, the fluffy cotton bathrobe is not good enough.
I’m getting a bonus this month, gonna go shop for a smoking jacket ^^

Didn’t knew that. I’m gonna commit to memory, I’m kinda effeminate and also I wouldn’t mind living the pimp life, it could be a handy word in the future ^^

Damn, nice ^^

The worst I’ve ever met was called Pierre Ponce, which is french for Pumice stone.
It’s not funny, it’s just ridiculous.

there is no seatbelts. any fender bender will kill you. And that’s assuming you live in a place that would let you put that on the road. I sure as shit do not ^^

I’d not pay 29.
That thing can’t be on roads, it’s a huge waste of space.