
I agree. The world is full of monsters and animals and society hasn’t done a great job of keeping them on a leash. Gotta watch out for yourself first, that’s just the world we live in.

I’m more inclined to believe the scientists who spend their lives studying this than the kid who wants a 100k to vacation in Mexico.

Luke force jumps out of the carbonite chamber at one point, I’m counting it.

You don’t want the people to make direct decisions because that leads to rash decisions. Things are slow for a reason. Our real problem is that representatives aren’t actually supporting the general well being of the constituents.

So there’s literally nothing to support this theory about Cthulu coming to wipe out a city. Got it.

I dunno, those helmets look kinda cheap and plasticky to me...maybe it’s just a bad photo. I’d expect more shine. Also, that’s not Rey’s lightsaber, it’s Luke’s, maaaaaaybe I’ll take an argument for Anakin’s. But more importantly, it doesn’t look like the Master Replicas version from years back, what’s with that?

Not sure I can agree with charging the kid for “allowing the girl to engage in a sex act”? I don’t see how one kid can be responsible for another. What a mess.

I have two words: More trees.

You vote for people who CAN do something. That’s the point. And you shut down people who think it doesn’t matter. Of course it’s up to you if you want to actually do that.

I disagree with the idea that it’s a mystery why Clinton is disliked but I also disagree with the idea that it’s just cause she’s a woman. Obviously not all democrats are free from sexist influence or thought but I think the fact that she’s strongly disliked by a good chunk of the liberal side of the population means

I guess I never really “got” it. Always felt like a bunch of jokes without a punchline, but maybe that’s just cause I’m used to that format for comics.

I liked that episode a lot but I can’t help but feeling Hodor bought them like...2 minutes before a horde of zombies catches up to them? I mean, really, how far can they get in that damn sled?

“Crippled”, “Hellscape”, “Small fire”, “20 minutes”

Kylo couldn’t even handle Rey and she hadn’t touched a lightsaber in her life, if he gets in a fight with goddamn Luke Skywalker? He’s gonna come out shorter than Yoda.

Well considering the TSA perpetuates an atmosphere of fear in order to trample over your civil rights, I’m gonna say the DMV isn’t so bad.

To be fair, you don’t actually need a car.

This is super depressing - all that crap that shows up is curated?!

Your tax dollars at work!

My god it’s beautiful

Wow, sure hope he’s as good as he seems cause I kinda think he could piss some people off with what he’s said here. Might need to work on your marketing buddy.